Historia do pensamento economico alemao e do ensino da economia na Alemannha, de 1812 a nossos dias
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Historia do pensamento economico alemao e do ensino da economia na Alemannha, de 1812 a nossos dias

Transcrevendo uma postagem da lista de História do Pensamento Econômico, que frequento, sobre uma base de dados que me parece altamente interessante:

Dear colleagues,

Those of you who read German and are interested in the institutional history of economics might want to have look at a new webpage that I created with a team of students on the history of the economics faculty at today's Humboldt University in Berlin. It entails, next to a series of short texts, a searchable database of all courses ever given since the foundation of the university in 1812 (about 20.000), ranging from early cameral sciences, over the historicist and inter-war period, national socialism, GDR, to today. The more prominent scholars are Schmoller, Sombart, Stackelberg, Kuczynski, and Uhlig, but many others (1200) less known economists can be traced by their teaching activities, and, if available, short biographies and photographs.

Here the link: http://hicks.wiwi.hu-berlin.de/history/

Cordial wishes,

Till Düppe
Professeur adjoint
Département des sciences économiques
École des sciences de la gestion
Université du Québec à Montréal
Pavillon des Sciences de la gestion
315, rue Sainte-Catherine Est, local R-5610
Montréal (Québec), H2X 3X2, Canada

Téléphone: (514) 987-3000 5577#


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