FGV-Rio: Call for Papers - 2nd Workshop on European Union Research
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

FGV-Rio: Call for Papers - 2nd Workshop on European Union Research

2nd Graduate Workshop on European Union Research
Center for International Relations at FGV
The Social Sciences and History School/CPDOC
Fundação Getulio Vargas
Rio de Janeiro
10 May 2013 – 9h to 12h

As part of the activities organized to celebrate the Europe Day (May 9th), the Center for International Relations at FGV will host the 2nd Graduate Workshop on European Union Research.

This event will be held on May 10th, at FGV, Rio de Janeiro. During the workshop selected Master’s and PhD students, working on subjects related to the European Union, will have the opportunity to present and discuss their ongoing work with internationally renowned scholars in the field. The workshop will follow the EU Commission funded “PhD School” model, in which students are required to submit a chapter or article in advance and briefly present it during the workshop proceedings. Experts then present their comments, feedback and advice for the future academic development of the participants. The workshop will offer participants the unique opportunity to exchange views and discuss doubts regarding their work with specialists from major universities of the EU and US.

Jolyon Howorth (PhD, University of Reading) is Jean Monnet Professor of European Politics ad personam and Emeritus Professor of European Studies at the University of Bath (UK). He has been a Visiting Professor of Political Science at Yale since 2002. During his career he worked at the University of Sorbonne, Harvard, Science-Po, Columbia and NYU. Howorth has held a Senior Research Fellowship at the European Union´s Institute for Security Studies. He has published extensively in the field of European politics and history, especially security and defense policy and transatlantic relations. He is the author of:
“Security and Defence Policy in the European Union”, Palgrave, 2007
“Defending Europe: the EU, NATO and the Quest for European Autonomy”, Palgrave, 2003
“European Integration and Defence: the Ultimate Challenge?”, WEU-ISS, 2000

Kalypso Nicolaïdis (TBC) (PhD, Harvard University) is Professor of International Relations and director of the European Studies Center at the University of Oxford. She was previously associate professor at Harvard University’s Kennedy School of Government and the Ecole Nationale d'Administration in Paris. She is also chair of Southeastern European Studies at Oxford and Council member of the European Council of Foreign Relations. From 2008 to 2010 she was member of the European Council reflection group on the future of Europe 2030. Her main areas of interest are dynamics of European integration, issues of identity, justice and cooperation in the international system, the sources of legitimacy in European and global governance, the relations between the EU and the Mediterranean /Turkey as well as preventive diplomacy and dispute resolution. She is the author of:
“European Stories: Intellectual Debates on Europe in National Context”, Oxford University Press, 2011
“Whose Europe? National Models and the Constitution of the European Union”, Oxford University Press, 2003
“The Federal Vision: Legitimacy and Levels of Governance in the US and the EU”, Oxford University Press, 2001

Vivien A. Schmidt (PhD, University of Chicago) is Jean Monnet Chair of European Integration, Professor of International Relations and Political Science, and Director of the Center for the Study of Europe at Boston University. Schmidt has held appointments as visiting professor at a number of European institutions, including Sciences Po in Paris, the European University Institute in Florence, the Max Planck Institute for the Study of Societies in Cologne, and the Harvard University’s Center for European Studies, where she is currently a faculty affiliate and chair of the EU studies group. Her areas of interest are European political economy, institutions and democracy, as well as political and institutional theory. Her current work centers on the impact of the European Union on the quality of member-state democracy and the impact of the economic crisis on European capitalisms and welfare states, explanations of institutional change, in particular with regard to the role of ideas and discursive interactions.  She is author of:
“Democracy and Legitimacy in the European Union Revised: Input, Output and Throughput”, Political Studies, forthcoming
“Democracy in Europe: The EU and National Polities”, Oxford University Press, 2006
“In the Light and Shadow of the Single Currency: European Identity and Citizenship”, in: The Other Side of the Coin: The Euro and Citizenship (ed. Giovanni Moro), Continuum, 2012

Loukas Tsoukalis (PhD, University of Oxford) is president of the Hellenic Foundation for European and Foreign Policy (ELIAMEP), professor of the Jean Monnet Chair in European Organizations at Athens University and visiting professor at the College of Europe. He has worked in several institutions, such as: John Hopkins University, University of Oxford, London School of Economics and the European University Institute, were he was responsible for the Pierre Werner Chair of Robert Schuman Centre. He has worked at the Royal Institute of International Affairs (Chatham House), presided the think-tank Synthesis – European Studies, Research and Strategy, from Athens, and participated of the Economic and Social Research Council, in the UK. He has organized several conjuncture analysis for the European Commission and was special envoy of the Ministry of National Economy of Greece at Washington D.C. during this country’s presidency in the European Council. He is the author of:
“What Kind of Europe?”, Oxford University Press, 2003
“The Delphic Oracle on Europe: Is there a Future for the European Union?”, Oxford University Press, 2011
“European Disintegration? Markets, Institutions and Legitimacy”, Journal of Democracy, 2012

The workshop on European Union Research is open to students enrolled in Master’s or PhD programs in Politics, International Relations, Law, Social Sciences, History or Economics and based in Brazil.

Interested students should send an abstract (500 words) of their research and a CV by March 15th. Applications should be sent to ri@fgv.br. Approved students will have to submit their piece – in English - until April 15th. We have limited slots for this workshop.

The Center for International Relations will provide some financial support to cover part of the travel costs for students that come from outside Rio de Janeiro. The amount will depend on the number of participants.

For more info go to www.ri.fgv.br or contact us:

Center for International Relations at FGV
The Social Sciences and History School/CPDOC
Fundação Getulio Vargas
190, Praia de Botafogo – 14th floor
Rio de Janeiro | 22250-900
Phone: +55 (21) 3799-5605
Fax: + 55(21) 3799-5679


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