Workshop on European Union Research - FGV-Rio
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Workshop on European Union Research - FGV-Rio

2nd Workshop on European Union Research
FGV - Praia de Botafogo, 190, sala 1407, Rio de Janeiro - 10/05/2013 - 09:00 - 12:00
As part of the activities organized to celebrate the Europe Day (May 9th), the Center for International Relations at FGV will host the 2nd Graduate Workshop on European Union Research: European Studies in Brazil - New Agendas of an Evolving Field.
This event will be held on May 10th, at FGV, Rio de Janeiro. During the workshop selected Master’s and PhD students, working on subjects related to the European Union, will have the opportunity to present and discuss their ongoing work with internationally renowned scholars in the field. The workshop will follow the EU Commission funded “PhD School” model, in which students are required to submit a chapter or article in advance and briefly present it during the workshop proceedings. Experts then present their comments, feedback and advice for the future academic development of the participants. The workshop will offer participants the unique opportunity to exchange views and discuss doubts regarding their work with specialists from major universities of the EU and US.
  • Short biographies of scholars
Application: The workshop on European Union Research is open to students enrolled in Master’s or PhD programs in Politics, International Relations, Law, Social Sciences, History or Economics and based in Brazil.
Interested students should send an abstract (500 words) of their research and a CV by March 15th. Applications should be sent to Approved students will have to submit their piece – in English - until April 15th. We have limited slots for this workshop.
The Center for International Relations will provide some financial support to cover part of the travel costs for students coming from outside Rio de Janeiro. The amount will depend on the number of participants.


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Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais
