Uma lagrima (intelectual) para... Kenneth Waltz
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Uma lagrima (intelectual) para... Kenneth Waltz

Kenneth Waltz and His Legacy


- Foreign Affairs: Best Books In International Relations In 2014
Best International Relations Books of 2014 Foreign Affairs' Reviewers Make Their Picks Article Summary and Author Biography Some of the best recent books on politics, economics,...

- Fgv-rio: Call For Papers - 2nd Workshop On European Union Research
2nd Graduate Workshop on European Union Research Center for International Relations at FGV The Social Sciences and History School/CPDOC Fundação Getulio Vargas Rio de Janeiro 10 May 2013 – 9h to 12h As part of the activities organized to celebrate...

- Daron Acemoglu Conversation: Institutional Development
THE WORLD THROUGH INSTITUTIONAL LENSESA Conversation with Daron Acemoglu [9.12.12] The issue is that when you look at the world from these sorts of institutional lenses, identifying problems becomes relatively easy. Solving them becomes very...

- International Relations: The Great Debates: Reading Selection Book
O preço é salgadíssimo, mas o livro é ideal para bibliotecas diplomáticas Paulo Roberto de Almeida International Relations: The Great Debates Rainer Baumann , Peter Mayer , Bernhard Zangl Edited by Rainer Baumann, Assistant...

- Debate Academico Na Unb: Ikenberry, Bagley On Us And Emerging Countries
Em parceira com a Embaixada dos Estados Unidos, o iRel promoveu hoje, quinta-feira, dia 5/5, às 9:30h, na sala FA A1-04, uma mesa redonda com os professores JOHN G. IKENBERRY (Princeton), que falou sobre "Os BRICS e a Nova Ordem Global: A Visão dos...

Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais
