Num 30 de Setembro, de 1938, o dia da vergonha: a particao da Tchecoslovaquia
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Num 30 de Setembro, de 1938, o dia da vergonha: a particao da Tchecoslovaquia

Dia da vergonha, de fato, quando duas grandes potências (Grã-Bretanha e França) entregaram a Tchecoslováquia para um ditador que não estava brincando de paz, mas que ainda podia ser detido. Como disse Churchill, da rendição vergonha: não queriam a guerra, mas terão a guerra e a desonra...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida


On This Day: September 30, 1938

The New York Times, September 29, 2013, 2:28 PM
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On Sept. 30, 1938, British, French, German and Italian leaders agreed at a meeting in Munich that Nazi Germany would be allowed to annex Czechoslovakia's Sudetenland.

Britain and Germany Make Anti-War Pact; Hitler Gets Less Than His Sudeten Demands; Polish Ultimatum Threatens Action Today

Peace Aid Pledged

Hitler and Chamberlain Voice Their Nations' Will Never to Fight

Demobilization Foreseen

Four Zones Reich Will Occupy Only Half of Sudeten Area--Chief Forts Not Included

RELATED HEADLINESDaladier Cheered by Joyful France: Vast Crowds Hail Premier on Return--Chamber Called to Meet Tuesday
'Peace With Honor,' Says Chamberlain: Prime Minister Wildly Cheered by Relieved Londoners--King Welcomes Him at Palace
5,000 British Soldiers Will Guard Czech Areas
Czech Rulers Bow, But Under Protest: Nation Must Be Preserved, the Premier Tells Country--He Calls Terms Dictated
Germans Begin Czech Occupation; Troops Cross Old Austrian Border: Infantry, Vanguard of 30,000 Men, Enter Krumau Zone an Hour After Midnight-- Commission Arranges Evacuation
OTHER HEADLINESLehman Is Drafted For Fourth Term; He Attacks Dewey: Poletti on Ticket: Yielding to Pleas to Run, Governor Insists on Justice as Aide: Calls Rival Unqualified: Rochester Platform Hits Republican's Crime Issue--Wagner, Mead Are Nominated
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'Bosses' Desperate, Dewey Declares: This Accounts for Nomination of Governor Lehman, He Says on Return Here
New Deal A Peril, Says Gen. Moseley; Sharply Rebuked: Retiring Atlanta Commander Declares We Face Danger of 'Decay Within': Sees Dictatorship in End: Secretary Woodring Calls It 'a Flagrantly Disloyal' Statement--Blames 'Pique'
Cotton Senators Wait Hours to See President But He Refers Their Loan Pleas to His Aides
Poles Ready To Act: Prepare to Take Over Teschen Silesia on Terms Reich Got: Hungary Drafts Claims: Will Demand Magyar Areas of Czechoslovakia--Balkan Capitals Hail Peace
Prime Minister Chamberlain and Chancellor Hitler, at a final conference at Munich yesterday, agreed that: "We regard the agreement signed last night and the Anglo- German naval agreement as symbolic of the desire of our two peoples never to go to war with one another again." Terms imposed on Czechoslovakia were found to be milder than Hitler's Godesberg plan. They provided immediate occupation of about half of the Sudeten area, the rest to be allotted by the International Commission or to be subject to plebiscite.
Poland delivered an ultimatum to Prague demanding the cession of the Teschen district, setting 6 A.M. New York time, as the limit for reply. Hungary prepared to make a two- point demand for cessions.
Czechoslovakia accepted the Munich terms and Premier Syrovy, announcing "We have been abandoned," made a protest to the world. General Krejci told the army to obey orders.
The first of the German troops crossed the Czechoslovak border from Austria an hour after midnight, or 7 P.M. Friday New York time. Large concentrations were made for the further occupation. The International Commission began sessions in Berlin on the evacuation and allocation of territory.
Mr. Chamberlain met a great demonstration when he arrived in London, and a similar one was accorded to Premier Daladier when he reached Paris.


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