Historia do pensamento economico: grandes autores
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Historia do pensamento economico: grandes autores

Um arquivo importante, para saber da vida e da obra dos grandes economistas:

McMaster University
Archive for the History of Economic Thought

"This archive is an attempt to collect in one place a large number of significant texts in the history of economic thought. I have tried to cast my nets as wide as possible including representative texts of all of the major thinkers and schools of thought; and most of the sub-fields of economics. The archive is a work in progress that may never be completed. The field of economic thought is a very large one. The texts are posted primarily for the use of students who might not otherwise have access to these writings. They are to be used strictly for non-commercial educational purposes. There are mirror sites at the University of Bristol (maintained by Tony Brewer) and at the University of Melbourne (maintained by Robert Dixon). There are as well, many other sites that might be of interest." - Rod Hay

Rod Hay passed away suddenly on May 18, 2008 at the age of 60. The Department of Economics at McMaster will maintain this site in his memory. Here is a brief commemoration of his life.

List of Authors Included in this Archive

Abbott, Edith
Acton, John
Alison, William
Anderson, James
Andréadès, Andreas
Arbuthnot, John
Asgill, John
Ashley, William James
Babbage, Charles
Bacon, Francis
Baden-Powell, B. H.
Bagehot, Walter
Baldwin, Simeon
Ballard, Adolphus
Banfield, Thomas C.
Barber, William J.
Barbon, Nicholas
Barbour, W.T.
Barry, Patrick
Bastiat, Frédéric
Beard, Charles
Beccaria, Cesare
Bentham, Jeremy
Berglund, Abraham
Bisschop, W. R.
Blackie, John Stuart
Blake, William
Böhm-Bawerk, Eugen
Bonar, James
Bosanquet, Bernard
Bosanquet, Charles
Bluntschli, Johann
Bolingbroke, Henry St. John
Berkeley, George
Botero, Giovanni
Bradley, Harriett
Bray, John F.
Bryce, James
Bücher, Carl
Buckland, William
Burke, Edmund
Bury, John Bagwell
Byles, John Barnard
Cairnes, John E.
Cannan, Edwin
Cantillon, Richard
Carey, Henry
Carlyle, R. W.
Carlyle, Thomas
Cassel, Gustav
Chapman, Sydney
Child, Josiah
Clapham, John
Clarendon, Edward
Clark, Alice
Clark, John Bates
Cobbett, William
Coke, Edward
Coke, Roger
Comte, Auguste
Condillac, Étienne Bonnet de
Commons, John Rogers
Cook, William Wilson
Cooley, Charles Horton
Copeland, Melvin
Croce, Benedetto
Cunningham, William
Daggett, Stuart
Dalrymple, John
Davanzati, Bernardo
Davenport, Frances G.
Davies, A. Emil
Davis, Joseph
Davis, John P.
Decker, Matthew
Defoe, Daniel
Dicey, Albert Venn
Digges, Dudley
Dill, Samuel
Dunbar, James
Durkheim, Emile
Dutt, R. C.
Edgeworth, Francis Ysidro
Edwards, George W.
Ellis, Thomas Peter
Elton, Charles
Ely, Richard
Ferguson, Adam
Ferguson, William Scott
Fetter, Frank Albert
Fichte, J. G.
Figgis, John
Fisher, Irving
Fiske, John
Fortescue, John
Fortrey, Samuel
Frank, Tenney
Freeman, Edward Augustus
Freund, Ernst
Fustel de Coulanges, Denis
Galiani, Ferdinando
Gentleman, Tobias
Gervaise, Isaac
Giblin, L.F.
Gierke, Otto
Gilbart, James William
Goddard, Thomas
Godwin, William
Gomme, George Laurence
Gras, Norman
Gray, Howard Levi
Greeley, Horace
Green, T.H.
Gross, Charles
Grotius, Hugo
Gumplowicz, Ludwig
Hale, Mathew
Halliday, William R.
Hammonds, J.L. and Barbara
Haney, Lewis H.
Harrington, James
Harrod, Roy
Hasbach, Wilhelm
Haskins, Charles Homer
Haverfield, Francis John
Hazard, Blanche
Hegel, G.W.F
Heitland, William E.
Hemmeon, Morley
Herbert, Claude-Jacques
Higgs, Henry
Hildreth, Richard
Hobbes, Thomas
Hobhouse, L.T.
Hobson, John Atkinson
Hodgskin, Thomas
Hollander, Jacob
Hone, Nathaniel J.
Hornick, Philipp
Hourwich, Isaac
Hull, Charles
Hume, David
Hutcheson, Francis
Ihering, Rudolf
Ingram, John Kells
Jenks, Jeremiah
Jeudwine, J.W.
Jevons, William Stanley
Jocelyn, J.
Jones, Richard
Joplin, Thomas
Kant, Immanuel
Kellog, Edward
Kemble, John
Kennett, R. H.
Keynes, John Maynard
Keynes, John Neville
Klein, Julius
Knapp, Georg Friedrich
Knight, Frank
Knoop, Douglas
Korkunov, Nikolai
Kovalevsky, Maxim
Kropotkin, Petr Alekseevich
Kyrk, Hazel
Labriola, Antonio
Lapsley, G.T.
Laski, Harold
Laveleye, Emile
Law, John
Le Bon, Gustave
Letourneau, Charles
Leslie, T.E. Cliffe
Levett, Elizabeth
Levy, Hermann
Lewis, George Randall
Lieber, Francis
Liefmann, Robert
Liesse, André
List, Fredrich
Lloyd, Henry Demarest
Lloyd, William Foster
Locke, John
Loeb, Isador
Macaulay, Catharine
Macgregor, D.H.
Macrosty, Henry
Majumdar, Ramesh Chandra
Maine, Henry Sumner
Maitland, Frederic
Malinowski, Bronislaw
Malthus, Thomas Robert
Malynes, Gerard de
Mandeville, Bernard
Marriott, J.A.R.
Marshall, Alfred
Martyn, Henry
Marx, Karl
Mavor, James
McCosh, James
McCulloch, John Ramsey
McDougall, William
McFadden, Daniel
Menger, Carl
Merriam, Charles
Michels, Robert
Mill, James
Mill, John Stuart
Millar, John
Mises, Ludwig
Misselden, Edward
Monroe, Arthur E.
Montague, Gilbert
Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat
Moore, Henry Ludwell
Moore, Margaret F.
Mun, Thomas
Murray, Alice Effie
Murray, James
Nasse, Erwin
Newcomb, Simon
Newton, Isaac
Nicholson, John Shield
Niebuhr, Bartold Georg
North, Dudley
North, Roger
O'Brien, George
Oman, Charles
Owen, Robert
Paine, Tom
Palmer, Neobard
Pantaleoni, Maffeo
Pareto, Vilfredo
Patten, Simon
Petty, William
Phear, John B.
Pigou, Arthur Cecil
Pirenne, Henri
Pollard, A. F.
Poole, Reginald Lane
Power, Eileen
Priestley, Joseph
Proudhon, Pierre-Joseph
Putnam, Bertha
Quesnay, François
Rae, John
Ramsey, Frank P.
Ranke, Leopold
Ravenstone, Piercy
Rees, J. Morgan
Renard, Georges
Ricardo, David
Riesser, Jacob
Roberts, Lewes
Robertston, William
Rogers, Thorold
Roscher, William
Rostovtzeff, Mikhail Ivanovich
Round, Horace
Rousseau, Jean-Jacques
Rowntree, B. Seebohm
Ruskin, John
Sargent, Arthur John
Say, Jean-Baptiste
Scherer, James
Schmoller, Gustav
Schumpeter, Joseph
Scott, William Robert
Scrutton, Thomas
Sée, Henri
Seebohm, Frederic
Seebohm, Hugh
Selden, John
Seligman, Edwin
Senior, Nassau William
Sidgwick, Henry
Sigel, Feodor Feodorvich
Simmel, Georg
Sismondi, Jean-Charles-Léonard
Small, Albion
Smith, Adam
Smith, Peshine
Smith, J. Toulmin
Sombart, Werner
Spelman, Henry
Spencer, Herbert
Stephen, James
Stephen, Leslie
Steuart, James
Steward, Dugald
Streightoff, Frank
Stubbs, William
Sumner, William Graham
Swift, Jonathan
Syme, David
Tait, James
Tarde, Gabriel
Taylor, Frederick W.
Thomson, Robert Ellis
Tooke, Thomas
Torrens, Robert
Tout, Thomas Frederick
Townsend, Joseph
Toynbee, Arnold
Treitschke, Heinrich Gothard
Tucker, Josiah
Turgot, Anne-Robert-Jacques
Unwin, George
Ure, Andrew
Vanderlint, Jacob
Van Hise, Charles
Vaughan, Rice
Veblen, Thorstein
Vinogradoff, Paul
Von Halle, Ernst
Wakefield, Edward Gibbon
Walker, Amasa
Walker, Francis Amasa
Wallas, Graham
Walras, Léon
Ward, Lester
Weber, Max
Wells, David A.
West, Edward
Westerfield, Ray
Whale, P. Barrett
Whewell, William
Whitaker, Albert Conser
Wicksell, Johan Gustaf Knut
Wicksteed, Phillip Henry
Wieser, Fredrich
Williams, John H.
Young, Allyn
Young, Arthur


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Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais
