The End of the Dollar? Pas encore...
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

The End of the Dollar? Pas encore...

Ainda não é o fim do dólar, mas talvez ele tenha mais passado do que futuro.
Em todo caso, vale conferir os artigos deste boletim:
The Journal of Globalization and Development (JGD)


Introduction: Is the Era of the Dollar Over?
John Williamson

Towards A New Global Reserve System
Joseph E. Stiglitz and Bruce Greenwald

Does the SDR Have a Future?
Richard N. Cooper

The New Politics of Global Reserve Reform
Eric Helleiner

An SDR Based Reserve System
Peter Kenen

Building an SDR-Based Global Reserve System
José Antonio Ocampo

The Future of the Reserve System
John Williamson

Is the Era of the Dollar Over?
Charles Wyplosz


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Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais
