Faltou combinar com os russos...
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Faltou combinar com os russos...

Antes de consultar o proprio interessado, o governo brasileiro declarou abertamente seu apoio, como próximo Diretor-Gerente do FMI, ao ex-ministro das finanças da Turquia, Kemal Dervis, que não é candidato e não cogita sê-lo, como informa esta matéria do NYTimes:

I.M.F. Seeks New Chief by June 30
The New York Times, May 20, 2011
A Turkish official considered one of the leading contenders, Kemal Dervis, who was the country’s economy minister in 2001 and 2002, took himself out of the running for the position on Friday. “Speculation about succession at the I.M.F. has included me in the group of persons with relevant experience,” he said in a statement. “But I have not been, and will not be, a candidate.”
This time, nations like Brazil and China want a more open process that could see an official from an emerging market be appointed to the position for the first time. The job is considered one of the most prestigious among multinational institutions.


Este editorial do mesmo jornal, se alinha à posição já expressa pelo presidente do BC brasileira, Alexandre Tombini, mas sem pagar direitos autorais...

Who Should Run the I.M.F.?
The New York Times, May 20, 2011

The arrest of Dominique Strauss-Kahn has turned the International Monetary Fund into front-page news and cast a harsh light on its dysfunctional workplace culture. Whoever is chosen to succeed Mr. Strauss-Kahn must be prepared to address both the European debt crisis and the institution’s own problems.

For 65 years, all of the fund’s managing directors have been chosen from the wealthy industrialized countries of Europe. That tradition, along with the United States choosing the president of the World Bank, may have fairly reflected the economic geography of 1946. But it does not reflect today’s world, and powerful new players like China, India and Brazil rightly resent it.

Both jobs ought to be filled on merit alone, with a strong emphasis on technical and diplomatic competence and managerial skills. That should not exclude qualified Europeans, but neither should it guarantee them the job.

European governments are already lobbying for Christine Lagarde, who is now the French finance minister, a job Mr. Strauss-Kahn also held. The I.M.F. has been led by French managing directors for 36 of its 65 years. That is too clubby for an institution whose main business has been to persuade foundering governments to undertake unpopular economic reforms in exchange for loans.

Even before the Strauss-Kahn scandal, the fund had a reputation among many of its female staff members as a workplace that failed to police unwanted amorous advances and other forms of harassment. The next managing director will have to make zero tolerance the rule.

Ms. Lagarde, who would be the first woman to hold the job, has the experience and many other strong qualities. But there are other talented candidates to consider, including Tharman Shanmugaratnam, Singapore’s finance minister and chairman of the I.M.F.’s financial committee, and Arminio Fraga Neto, a former head of Brazil’s central bank and an architect of that nation’s successful economic reforms. Voting on the governing board is weighted by historic economic heft. So if the European Union lines up behind Ms. Lagarde, no single developing-world alternative emerges and Washington backs Europe’s choice, there may be no real contest. It would be better for the I.M.F., and for the winner, if there was.

A version of this editorial appeared in print on May 21, 2011, on page A18 of the New York edition with the headline: Who Should Run the I.M.F.? The choice should be based on merit, not geography.


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Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais
