FMI: quem disse que os EUA dominam ilegitimamente?
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

FMI: quem disse que os EUA dominam ilegitimamente?

Este artigo da Economist coloca as coisas nos devidos lugares.
Para chegar a esta conclusão, basta saber contar (mas isso vocês não vão aprender num livro do MEC...)
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

IMF influence
Light-weight BRICS
The Economist, June 6th 2011

How IMF voting shares compare with global economic heft

MANY argue that IMF vote-shares (and the amounts countries are required to put into the fund's kitty) should reflect countries' relative economic heft. At the moment, however, that is far from being the case. Taken together, the economies of the European Union countries amount to just under 24% of the global economy. The economies of Brazil, Russia, India, China and South Africa together make up about 21% of world GDP. But the European countries have 32% of the votes in the IMF, while the BRICS have 11%. No wonder the BRICS' representatives to the fund issued a rare joint statement deploring Europe's lock on the top job at the IMF, which is made possible in part by the fact that Europe and America between them have nearly 50%of the votes in the IMF's board. Proportionately, sub-Saharan Africa, (excluding South Africa) is the most over-represented region, with 3.1% of the vote but a mere 1.35% of the world economy


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