Brazil Institute at Wilson Center: debate sobre o progresso industrial
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Brazil Institute at Wilson Center: debate sobre o progresso industrial

O importante, para quem não puder participar do debate (e só podem os que vivem em Washington, DC, e nas cercanias), é o trabalho sobre a competitividade (ou falta de) das exportações brasileiras, linkado no anúncio abaixo.

How to Improve Brazil's Industrial Growth and Export Performance

Please join the Woodrow Wilson Center’s Brazil Institute and the Program on America and the Global Economy for “How to Improve Brazil’s Industrial Growth and Export Performance”
 Tuesday February 12th, 2013
4:00 pm – 5:30 pm

Woodrow Wilson International Center for Scholars 6th Floor Flom Auditorium

- Otaviano Canuto, Vice President and Head for Poverty Reduction and Economic Management Network, World Bank           
- José Guilherme Reis, Lead Trade Economist, World Bank
- Matheus Cavallari, Consultant, World Bank

- John Bryson, Distinguished Scholar, Wilson Center, and former Secretary of Commerce under President Barack Obama
- Kent Hughes, Director, Program on American and the Global Economy

Moderator: Paulo Sotero, Director, Brazil Institute
Please RSVP to [email protected] (acceptances only) with your name and affiliation

Modest industrial production growth and disappointing export performances are at the center of an economic policy debate that has been raging in Brazil since 2011, in which the rate of GDP expansion abruptly declined from 7.5% in 2010 to 2.7% and dropped again to around 1% last year.
On February 12, the Brazil Institute and the Program on America and the Global Economy will convene a seminar to examine the causes of the negative trend and what needs to happen for the country to return to the average 4% annual growth of the Lula years, while improving the productivity and competitiveness of its economy, as President Dilma Rousseff has pledged to do. 

The discussion will feature the co-authors of an important policy research working paper recently published by the World Bank under the title:
Brazilian exports: climbing down a competitiveness cliff

Location: Woodrow Wilson Center at the Ronald Reagan Building
1300 Pennsylvania Ave., NW ("Federal Triangle" stop on Blue/Orange Line).
A map to the Center is available at 
Note: Please allow additional time to pass through security.


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