Transicao do MobileMe para o iCloud...: o que vai ocorrer?
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Transicao do MobileMe para o iCloud...: o que vai ocorrer?

iCloud is Apple’s new cloud service, which stores your music, photos, apps, calendars, and documents and wirelessly pushes them to all your devices. iCloud integrates seamlessly with your apps, so everything happens automatically. iCloud will be free for iOS 5 and OS X Lion users. More information is available at

MobileMe Services

What’s happening to MobileMe?
The core services provided by MobileMe have been rewritten to work seamlessly with iCloud. MobileMe will no longer be available as a paid sync service. If you had an active MobileMe account as of June 6, 2011, your service has been extended through June 30, 2012, at no additional charge. After that date, the MobileMe service will no longer be available.

Following is a list of MobileMe services and whether they will be available or not in iCloud this fall:

MobileMe Service Available in iCloud
Mail Available
Contacts Available
Calendar Available
Bookmarks Available
Find My iPhone Available
Back to My Mac Available
iWeb publishing Unavailable
Gallery Unavailable
iDisk unavailable

In addition, the following new services will be available in iCloud:
iTunes in the Cloud
Photo Stream
Documents in the Cloud
Automatic downloads and purchase history for apps and books
Backup and restore

Will I be able to keep my MobileMe email address when I move to iCloud?
Yes. If you have an active MobileMe account when you sign up for iCloud, you’ll be able to keep your or email address and move your MobileMe mail, contacts, and calendars, as well as your bookmarks, to the new service. When iCloud becomes available this fall, Apple will provide details and instructions on how to make the move.

Will I be able to access iCloud services on the web?
Yes. Web access to iCloud Mail, Contacts, Calendar, and Find My iPhone will be available at this fall.

What happens to the iWeb sites that I’ve published to MobileMe?
You will be able to continue publishing iWeb sites to MobileMe through June 30, 2012, even after moving to iCloud. With iWeb you can easily move a site published to MobileMe to another web hosting service and you should do so before that date. Please read this article for details.

What happens to the pictures that I’ve posted to my MobileMe Gallery?
You will be able to continue using MobileMe Gallery through June 30, 2012, even after moving to iCloud. You should save copies of all photos published to your Gallery before that date. If you have a Mac, it is likely that most of your Gallery photos are already in iPhoto. If not, you can sync the Gallery photos to your iPhoto library. You can also download your photos and movies from the web. Please read this article for details.

What happens to the files on my MobileMe iDisk?
You will be able to continue using MobileMe iDisk through June 30, 2012, even after moving to iCloud. You should save copies of all files stored on iDisk before that date. Please read this article for details.

What happens to the other sync services I use for my Mac?
Syncing of Mac Dashboard widgets, keychains, Dock items, and System Preferences will not be part of iCloud, but will continue to be available for you to use until you move to iCloud. After you move to iCloud or after June 30, 2012, whichever comes first, those sync services will no longer be available. Other MobileMe services that are not transitioning to iCloud (iWeb publishing, Gallery, and iDisk) will continue to be available through June 30, 2012, even after you move to iCloud.

MobileMe Accounts

If I use different accounts for iTunes and MobileMe, can I merge them into a single account and use it with iCloud?
No. You cannot merge two accounts into one. However, you will be able to move your MobileMe account ( to iCloud and, if you choose, you can continue to use a different iTunes account for store purchases and iTunes in the Cloud.

I currently use more than 5GB of storage in MobileMe. Will I be able to buy more storage for iCloud?
Yes. iCloud includes 5GB of free storage for mail, documents, and backup, which should be enough for most users. Purchased music, apps, and books do not count against this 5GB of storage, nor do the photos in your Photo Stream. If you still need more storage, you will be able to buy it. Details will be provided when iCloud is available this fall.

Can I upgrade my MobileMe account to a Family Pack or buy more MobileMe storage?
You can no longer upgrade your individual account to a Family Pack account or buy additional MobileMe storage. However, if you already have a Family Pack subscription, you can still create new family member accounts.

Can Family Pack members move their MobileMe accounts separately to iCloud?
Yes. The master account holder and each family member can move their individual accounts whenever they like, as long as they do so before June 30, 2012.

I purchased a MobileMe box and have not used the activation code inside. How do I get a refund for it?
If you have an unused activation code from a MobileMe box, you can submit a refund request.

Can I cancel my MobileMe subscription and receive a refund?
You can cancel your service at any time and receive a prorated refund for the unused portion of your paid subscription. The free extension will not be included in the proration. When you cancel, all MobileMe services, including mail and syncing of contacts and calendars, will stop working, and your data will be removed from MobileMe.


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