Revocacao ou devolucao de Premio Nobel: isso existe? - The Sovereign Investor vs Obama
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Revocacao ou devolucao de Premio Nobel: isso existe? - The Sovereign Investor vs Obama

Will Obama Lose His Nobel Peace Prize?

Think President Obama’s 2009 Nobel Peace Prize was a mistake?

Well, Stefan Svallfors, a Swedish sociology professor from Umeå University, certainly does. In fact, he has a better candidate for the prize: NSA whistleblower Edward Snowden.

In a letter recently sent to the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Svallfors wrote that Snowden has: “revealed the existence and extent of the surveillance the U.S. government devotes to electronic communications worldwide … Edward Snowden has helped to make the world a little bit better and safer.”

Can I get an “Amen”?

To top it off, Svallfors added that giving Snowden the Nobel Peace Prize would help remove the shame of the “hasty and ill-conceived decision to award U.S. President Barack Obama the 2009 award.” There’s also an online petition demanding the Nobel Committee revoke Obama’s prize, and the president of Bolivia even demanded that he give it back.

I’m sensing a trend here.

Looks like the rest of the world is finally realizing that Obama’s 2009 “Hope and Change” campaign schtick has instead brought us “Snooping and Shame.”


Jim Signorile
Managing Editor, The Sovereign Society


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