Revista Foreign Affairs: numero especial sobre o massacre da Praca da Paz Celestial, Beijing, 4 de junho de 1989
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Revista Foreign Affairs: numero especial sobre o massacre da Praca da Paz Celestial, Beijing, 4 de junho de 1989

25 Anos se passaram depois que a mais longa ditadura do mundo contemporâneo -- só perde para a ditadura da Coreia do Norte, que é ainda mais cruel e assassina -- massacrou centenas, possivelmente mais de um milhar, de estudantes que se mobilizaram por democracia no grande império despótico.
A revista Foreign Affairs -- contra uma modesta assinatura de 19,95 -- oferece documentos e análises sobre esse evento definidor da China contemporânea. Ela vai chegar a democracia, mas esse processo é incompatível com a dominação do partido comunista. Vamos ter de esperar novas crises para isso...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Foreign Affairs

In June 1989, the Chinese government brutally suppressed masses of peaceful protestors in Beijing's Tiananmen Square.  A decade later, Foreign Affairs revolutionized the world's understanding of those events by publishing an exclusive trove of documents showing why China's leaders opted for violence that fateful day.  Now, 25 years after the crackdown, we are delighted to bring you Tiananmen and After, a special collection that couples those secret documents with a range of expert commentary on modern China's political evolution.

This collection traces just what happened back in June 1989, what it meant, and what has taken place since then.  It opens with a new introduction by Andrew Nathan, one of the key figures behind the publication of the secret documents (that have become known as "The Tiananmen Papers"), and includes pieces on China's rapid economic rise, its sluggish political reforms, and the multitude of challenges that lie ahead.  
The rise of China is one of the most important stories of our time, and Tiananmen and After is a wonderful guide to it for history buffs and news junkies alike.  Don't miss out— subscribe today!
Gideon Rose
Editor, Foreign Affairs

Inside the Issue:

"The Tiananmen Papers" by Andrew Nathan
These previously classified reports, spirited out of China by a sympathizer, provide a vivid picture of the battles between hardliners and reformers on how to handle the student protests that swept China in 1989. Now with a new companion piece by Nathan that takes the story up to the present, explaining why the crackdown was the turning point in modern Chinese history.

"The Geography of Chinese Power" By Robert Kaplan
What geography says about China's natural sphere of influence, fron Central Asia and the Russian Far East to the South China Sea and the Indian Ocean.

"The Game Changer" by Elizabeth Economy
How Beijing is trying to rewrite the rules of the international relations game as its economic power grows.

"The Life of the Party" by Eric X. Li
How China's Communist leadership has managed to hang on to power and may find new life and energy in the decade to come.


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