G20: todos os documentos oficiais, de 1999 a 2011
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

G20: todos os documentos oficiais, de 1999 a 2011


  • G20 Leaders Summit Cannes 3-4 November 2011
  • The Cannes Action Plan for Growth and Jobs - 4 November 2011
  • Communiqué of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors of the G20 - Paris, France, 14-15 October 2011
  • Communiqué- Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central bank Governors, Washington DC, 22 September 2011
  • Communiqué- G20 Ministerial Meeting on Development, Washington DC, 23 September 2011
  • Statement of G-20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, August 8, 2011
  • Communiqué - Meeting of Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors, Washington DC, 14-15 April 2011
  • Communiqué - High Level Panel on Infrastructure Investment, February 24, 2011 (PDF 522KB)
  • Communiqué-Paris, February 18-19, 2011 (PDF 189KB)
  • the G20 Seoul Summit Declaration, November 11-12, 2010 (PDF 293KB)
    Annexes (PDF 784KB)
  • Communiqué - Gyeongju, ROK, October 23 (PDF 49KB)
  • Progress report on the economic and financial actions of the London, Washington, and Pittsburgh G20 Summits prepared by Korea, Chair of the G20, July 20, 2010 (PDF 352KB)
  • The G20 Toronto Summit Declaration, June 26-27, 2010 (PDF 494KB)
  • Communiqué - Busan, ROK, June 5 (PDF 55KB)
  • Communiqué - Washington D.C., USA, April 23 (PDF 119KB)
  • Progress report on the economic and finanial action of the London, Washington and Pittsburgh G20 Summits propared by the UK chair of the G20 - St. Andrews, 7 November 2009
  • Communiqué - UK, 7 November 2009 (PDF 34KB)
  • Leaders' statement, the Pittsburgh Summit, 25 September 2009 (PDF 119KB)
  • Progress report on the actions to promote financial regulatory reform issues by the U.S. chair of the Pittsburgh G-20 summit, 25 September 2009 (PDF 110KB)
  • Communiqué - UK, 5 September 2009 (PDF 13KB)
  • Declaration on further steps to strengthen the financial system, 5 September 2009 (PDF 15.5KB)
  • Progress report on the actions of the London and Washington G20 Summits, 5 September 2009 (PDF 482KB)
  • Leaders Statement - The Global Plan for Recovery and Reform - London, 2 April 2009 (PDF 126KB)
  • Declaration on strengthening the financial system - London, 2 April 2009 (PDF 141 KB)
  • Declaration on delivering resources through the international financial institutions - London, 2 April 2009 (PDF 92 KB)
  • Progress Report on the actions of the Washington Action Plan, 2 April 2009 (PDF 430 KB)
  • Communiqué - UK, 14 March 2009 (PDF 30KB)  
  • Communiqué Annex - Restoring lending: a framework for financial repair and recovery, 14 March 2009 (PDF 25KB)
  • Progress report on the immediate actions of the Washington Action Plan prepared by the UK Chair of the G20, 14 March 2009 (PDF 24KB)  
  • Declaration - Washington, USA, 15 November 2008 (PDF 72KB)
  • Communiqué - São Paulo, Brazil, 8 - 9 November 2008 (PDF 1118KB)
  • Communiqué - Kleinmond, Cape Town, South Africa, 17 - 18 November 2007 (PDF 47KB)
  • Communiqué - Melbourne, Australia, 18 - 19 November 2006 (PDF / 32KB)
  • Communiqué - Xianghe, Hebei, China, 15 - 16 October 2005 (PDF 68KB)
  • Communiqué - Berlin, Germany, 20 - 21 November 2004 (PDF 321KB)
  • Communiqué - Morelia, Mexico, 26 - 27 October 2003 (PDF 124KB)
  • Communiqué - New Delhi, India, 23 November 2002 (PDF / 46KB)
  • Communiqué - Ottawa, Canada, 16 - 17 November 2001 (PDF 99KB)
  • Communiqué - Montréal, Canada, 25 October 2000 (PDF 91KB)
  • Communiqué - Berlin, Germany, 15 - 16 December 1999 (PDF 115KB)  


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