Foreign Affairs: Six Markets to Watch (nenhum deles se refere ao Brasil)
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Foreign Affairs: Six Markets to Watch (nenhum deles se refere ao Brasil)

Da revista Foreign Affairs corrente:

Six Markets to Watch: Mexico
Viva las Reformas
By Shannon K. O'Neil
Once hidden behind high tariffs, quotas, subsidies, and hundreds of state-owned enterprises, Mexico's economy is now one of the most open in the world. But the economic dividends of President Enrique Peña Nieto's ambitious economic reform agenda have yet to...

Six Markets to Watch: South Korea
The Backwater That Boomed
By Marcus Noland
South Korea is a rich, technologically advanced, mature democracy with an impressive record of innovation, economic reform, and sound leadership, so to call it an emerging market is a bit of an anachronism. But the country's chief economic virtue, its openness, also...

Six Markets to Watch: Poland
From Tragedy to Triumph
By Mitchell A. Orenstein
Over the last 25 years, Poland has enjoyed peace, a booming economy, and integration with the rest of Europe. Behind that positive story lie smart economic reforms and the bond Poland formed with Europe's leading economy,...

Six Markets to Watch: Turkey
How Erdogan Did It -- and Could Blow It
By Daniel Dombey
With an impressive decade behind it and an important election ahead, Turkey's biggest challenges are in the realm of domestic politics. As Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan flirts with authoritarian populism, the country teeters between continued growth and a reversion...

Six Markets to Watch: Indonesia and the Philippines
A Tale of Two Archipelagoes
By Karen Brooks
Indonesia confronts a host of political challenges, and a crucial election in 2014 will determine whether it delivers on its promise or returns to stagnation. Meanwhile, the nearby Philippines, now an outsourcing powerhouse, has been racing ahead under the stewardship of...

Six Markets to Watch: The Mekong Region
A River Runs Through It
By Thitinan Pongsudhirak
The Southeast Asian countries that line the Mekong River -- Cambodia, Laos, Myanmar, and Vietnam, along with China's southern Yunnan Province -- are finally fending for themselves, and then some. As trade barriers fall and borders open up, the region's growth depends on an...


- Nafta: 30 Anos Do Acordo De Livre Comercio Da America Do Norte - Paper Luiz Maria De La Mora
NAFTA at 30: A Mexican Perspective by Luz María de la Mora Director Mexico Program WEConnect International Mexico City, Mexico June 10, 2015 Since its inception, NAFTA (North American Free Trade Agreement) has been a force for change and deep transformation...

- Asean: Um Bloco Comercial Dinamico E Em Crescimento (nao Comparar Com O Mercosul, Por Favor)
ArticleUnderstanding ASEAN: Seven things you need to knowSoutheast Asia is one of the world’s fastest-growing markets—and one of the least well known.May 2014 | byVinayak HV, Fraser Thompson, and Oliver TonbyChina remains the Goliath of...

- Capitalismo Global - Mckinsey Quarterly
McKinsey Quarterly Monthly NewsletterJanuary 2012 Editors’ choice The next industrial revolution Economic advances now sweeping through China, India, and other emerging markets dwarf the pace and scale of the Western world’s industrial transformation...

- Grandes Tendencias Economicas Para 2012 - Wall Street Journal
Um primeiro post de 2012, pode começar com estas previsões, moderadamente pessimistas, ou pessimisticamente realistas, sobre as grandes tendências nas economias da Europa, dos EUA e da China. Paulo Roberto de Almeida Five Economic Trends to Watch...

- The Prize: A Historia Do Petroleo Por Daniel Yergin -
Um leitor habitual deste blog me enviou, há tempos, esta excelente contribuição ao estudo do mundo do petróleo, que recomendo a todos. Possuo o livro original, e a segunda edição na edição brasileira e posso assegurar que é insuperável. "The...

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