Espionagem sovietica: muito mais ampla do que jamais voce poderia sonhar - BBC russian service
Você sabia, caro leitor, que dois embaixadores brasileiros trabalharam para a União Soviética, como agentes pagos, chantageados, voluntários, ou seja lá o que for. Não temos os nomes verdadeiros, ainda, apenas os nomes de guerra: Aleks e Izotys, mas isso não importa muito. O fato é que eles não eram muito produtivos, segundo os papéis do Mithrokin Archives, que já foram publicados nos EUA. Parece que eles ganhavam razoavelmente bem, mas trabalhavam mal, com informações pouco substantivas, ou praticamente anódinas. Também tem a informação de que cubanos e soviéticos penetraram os códigos confidenciais brasileiros, e leram tudo o transitava em nosso telex, depois mensagens eletrônicas. É a vida... Enfim, ainda falta muito espião para descobrir, no nosso caso agentes cubanos que ainda estão por aí, pulando alegremente, de um lugar para outro, ganhando dinheiro e continuando a fazer trabalho sujo, como vocês devem saber... Aqui uma outra história que traduzi pelo Google Translator do russo, espero que seja compreensível. Paulo Roberto de Almeida
What was the name of Abel's actually 157 folders MI5
Gennady AlasheevBBC Russian Service
October 30, 2014
Rudolf Abel (photo - second from left) is considered one of the most successful spies during the Cold War
One of the most intriguing discoveries of new batch of documents declassified British intelligence service MI5, began documents related to Rudolf Abel.
According to the available data to date, Abel was the only Soviet intelligence officer cadre, born in Britain, unlike simple agents. Curiously, at the time of his dossier MI5 did not know what the real name Abel - William Fisher, and that he was born in 1903 in Newcastle-on-Tyne. In total, the British MI5 counterintelligence declassified 157 folders with documents, most of which are documents from the personal files of people who were in sight of the British counterintelligence. Declassified information relates to the period between World War I and the time of confrontation between the USSR and the West after the Second World War. The documents are divided into several categories: German intelligence agents and suspected of links with it during the Second World War; people for which audited; Soviet spies and people suspected of spying for the Soviet Union; communists and alleged communists, including citizens of the Soviet Union and those who approve of communist views. Obviously, the materials of the dossier Abel must study together with the files of his personal file in the KGB, who kidnapped and brought back to Britain a former employee of the Archives Department of the First Chief Directorate of the KGB Vasili Mitrokhin. Declassified documents are stored in the National Archives of Britain Almost all the documents stolen from the Mitrokhin archive KGB, with July 2014 have become available to historians. For example, it was reported that Abel in 1947 led a large spy network in the US. In 1949, for the excellent work the leadership of the USSR awarded him the Order of the Red Banner. In documents MI5 describes his arrest in the US in 1956. In the "Mitrokhin Archive" reported that during the arrest, he is named after his friend Rudolf Abel, who by that time was already dead. Fisher knew that the news of the arrest of "Abel" will signal to the KGB about what actually happened. As is known, Abel subsequently exchanged in Berlin on pilot spy plane U-2 was shot down over the Soviet Union, Gary Powers.
Money laundering of the USSR in the US
There among the documents dossier colorful American businessmen Julius Hammer and his son Armand. Of these, it becomes clear how the Soviet Union in 1920 launched its intelligence activities in the United States. Family Hammer played a role in laundering money coming from the Soviet Union to finance the American Communist movement. Famous Hollywood actor Armie Hammer, who played in the movie "The Social Network" - the great-grandson of businessman Armand Hammer From the archives of the KGB became known in 1921, Vladimir Lenin considered the report of the Hummers so important that he sent a copy of Stalin stamped "Top Secret". In the declassified document says that after America entered World War II, Julius Hammer could not move there. So he decided to go the other way, that is earning a lot of money that would have gone to the needs of the communist movement. In this he succeeded. Among other alleged agents of the USSR include Indian diplomat and nationalist Arata Kandet Narayan Nambiar. In 1924 he went as a journalist in Berlin, where he collaborated with the communist cell consisting of Indians. In 1929, at the invitation of the Soviet Union, he came to Moscow. Before the start of the Second World War, he was deported from Germany, but soon he was allowed to return as a representative nationalist Subhas Chandra Bose in Berlin. Then he led the European cell "Free India", which was funded by the Nazis. In 1959, Soviet defector told intelligence services of Britain that Nambiar was recruited by the GRU in 1920 He was arrested in Austria in 1945 and received a prison sentence for aiding the Nazis. Conviction has not prevented him Ambassador of India to work in Germany. In 1959, Soviet defector told intelligence services of Britain that Nambiar was recruited by the GRU in the 1920s. In the "Mitrokhin Archive" no information about it, perhaps because it documents the GRU were not included.
British Marxist historians
It is assumed that most interest to researchers are the files associated with the British Marxist historians Eric Hobsbawm and Christopher Hill. In the case of Hill turns out that the intelligence agencies became interested in him after his long journey to Russia in 1935, when he was a student at Oxford University. In 1936 he returned to Britain and joined the Communist Party. After the Second World War, MI5 believed Hill's one of the main Communist at Oxford University. In 1951, counterintelligence received permission from the Ministry of Interior to the audition of his telephone conversations and reading his correspondence. In MI5 believed that thus will be able to get more information about the scientist as well as on the activities of the Communists in the University of Oxford. Thanks intercepted letter becomes clear infighting Hill and his decision to quit the Communist Party in 1957. Thus he protested the invasion of the Soviet Union in Hungary in 1956. In his address to the party leadership, he wrote: "For too long we have lived in a world of illusions. It was a cozy little world ..." Counterintelligence reread correspondence Eric Hobsbawm Unlike Hill Eric Hobsbawm has not left the ranks of the Communist Party after the Soviet invasion of Hungary, but his relationship with some of the British Communists soured. One of the supporters of "hard" line Dee Ann Pritt once said in a private conversation that he was dissatisfied with "this heinous Eric Hobsbawm." Many Communists unpleasantly surprised to learn that the historian, wrote an article for the Daily Mail and the other is not too sympathetic to the Communists publications under the pseudonym Francis Newton. However, he continued to encourage people, especially young people, to join the Communist Party. In one of the declassified files specifically states that in 1963 he congratulated the Young Communist League of West Middlesex with "encouraging results" to attract new members. The documents contained his membership card belonging to the beginning of the 1960s, as well as intercepted letters and transcripts of telephone conversations.
Secret agent of the Gestapo
The current package of documents disclosed reveals the secret MI5 agent "Jack King" of which the general public has learned of previously declassified documents. This officer counterintelligence, whose real name is - Eric Roberts, during the Second World War in Britain seemed a secret agent of the German Gestapo, making counterintelligence revealed Britons sympathetic to the Nazis. This operation is called "The Case of the fifth column." Some British, believing that they are dealing with a German spy, he even passed classified information, including the development of the engine for supersonic aircraft. Thanks released documents became known name of the agent, as well as recordings of his conversations with supporters of the Nazis, who wanted to uncover all sorts of military secrets and thereby harm the military might of Britain. Eric Roberts was represented in Britain a secret agent of the Gestapo Supporters Hitler proposes to continue the bombing of British cities to further undermine the morale of the society, and the German troops entered the territory of Britain. In the period from 1942 to 1945, Roberts was able to identify dozens or even hundreds of people who supported the Nazis. In declassified documents counterintelligence have information about the American physicist Robert Oppenheimer, who helped create the Atomic bomby.Ego suspects in connection with the Soviet Union because of sympathy for the ideas of Marxism and the communist movement. From his dossier can be understood that the American and British intelligence are very worried that Oppenheimer decides to escape to the Soviet Union. MI5 declassified dossier on the member of the CPSU, comrade Joseph Stalin Georgy Malenkov. In 1956 Malenkov headed the delegation of the Soviet Union, to visit the UK. The visit was widely covered in the British press.
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