Escocia: depois do referendo sobre a independencia, agora o mais duro, saber quem paga a conta...
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Escocia: depois do referendo sobre a independencia, agora o mais duro, saber quem paga a conta...

Um Reino menos Unido...
Abaixo a declaração do primeiro-ministro britânico David Cameron sobre a situação pós-referendo que assegurou, pelo menos por enquanto, a permanência dos escoceses nesse reino que no futuro virá a termo. Isto me parece evidente, sobretudo pensando em termos de recuperação de autonomia política no contexto de um processo econômico mais amplo, que envolve a integração nos esquemas respectivos de mercado na Europa continental e na América do norte.
Sim, estou convencido de que esses instintos pró-independência, essas pulsões autonomistas vão continuar com força considerável, tantonna Escócia, quanto na Catalunha, quanto no Québec, por exemplo. E, no entanto, todos eles, se finalmente independentes, vão preferir continuar em seus respectivos esquemas de integração, a União Europeia por um lado, o Nafta por outro, este bem mais simples e sem implicar pagamentos e recebimentos de e para o monstro burocrático, custoso, em que se transformou a UE.
Fica pendente, porém, a questão crucial de saber quem paga todas as bondades estatais que cada um dos povos espera ter com uma maior autonomia política. Hoje a Escócia é uma recebedora líquida no orçamento comunitário e mesmo no esquema político do Reino Unido. Muito provavelmente, sendo independente e escolhendo ficar na UE, se torne uma pagadora líquida, por ter uma renda per capita superior à média comunitária, o mesmo acontecendo com a Catalunha. E aí, quem vai pagar as pensões e benefícios sociais e cuidados médicos de suas populações mais idosas? Quem vai pagar transportes e outros serviços públicos.
No final do dia, alguém sempre precisa pagar a conta.
Governos irresponsáveis costumam deixar a conta para as gerações futuras, seja em termos de mais inflação, seja como dívida pública aumentada e prestações diminuídas.
E isso vale para o Brasil também, sem qualquer separatismo. Aliás, aqui já temos uma federação de mentira, com total esquizofrenia orçamentária, e uma conta que cresce, a ser paga por nossos filhos e netos.
Paulo Roberto de Almeida 

A better, brighter future for our entire United Kingdom

10 Downing Street, September 20, 2014
On 18 September 2014 the Scottish independence referendum took place and Scotland voted to stay part of the United Kingdom. 
Voters in Scotland were asked to answer Yes or No to the question “Should Scotland be an independent country?” 55.3% voted No and 44.7% voted Yes.
Prime Minister David Cameron gave a statement at Downing Street following the outcome.
Watch a video of David Cameron's statement.

Read the statement

"The people of Scotland have spoken. It is a clear result. They have kept our country of 4 nations together. Like millions of other people, I am delighted. As I said during the campaign, it would have broken my heart to see our United Kingdom come to an end.
"And I know that sentiment was shared by people, not just across our country, but also around the world because of what we’ve achieved together in the past and what we can do together in the future.
"So now it is time for our United Kingdom to come together, and to move forward. A vital part of that will be a balanced settlement – fair to people in Scotland and importantly to everyone in England, Wales and Northern Ireland as well.
"Let us first remember why we had this debate – and why it was right to do so.
"The Scottish National Party (SNP) was elected in Scotland in 2011 and promised a referendum on independence. We could have blocked that; we could have put it off, but just as with other big issues, it was right to take - not duck - the big decision.
"I am a passionate believer in our United Kingdom – I wanted more than anything for our United Kingdom to stay together.
"But I am also a democrat. And it was right that we respected the SNP’s majority in Holyrood and gave the Scottish people their right to have their say.
"Let us also remember why it was right to ask the definitive question, Yes or No. Because now the debate has been settled for a generation or as Alex Salmond has said, perhaps for a lifetime.
"So there can be no disputes, no re-runs – we have heard the settled will of the Scottish people.
"Scotland voted for a stronger Scottish Parliament backed by the strength and security of the United Kingdom and I want to congratulate the No campaign for that – for showing people that our nations really are better together.
"I also want to pay tribute to Yes Scotland for a well-fought campaign and to say to all those who did vote for independence: “we hear you”.
"We now have a chance – a great opportunity – to change the way the British people are governed, and change it for the better.
"Political leaders on all sides of the debate now bear a heavy responsibility to come together and work constructively to advance the interests of people in Scotland, as well as those in England, Wales and Northern Ireland, for each and every citizen of our United Kingdom.
"To those in Scotland sceptical of the constitutional promises made, let me say this; we have delivered on devolution under this government, and we will do so again in the next Parliament.
"The 3 pro-union parties have made commitments, clear commitments, on further powers for the Scottish Parliament. We will ensure that they are honoured in full.
"And I can announce today that Lord Smith of Kelvin – who so successfully led Glasgow’s Commonwealth Games – has agreed to oversee the process to take forward the devolution commitments, with powers over tax, spending and welfare all agreed by November and draft legislation published by January.
"Just as the people of Scotland will have more power over their affairs, so it follows that the people of England, Wales and Northern Ireland must have a bigger say over theirs. The rights of these voters need to be respected, preserved and enhanced as well.
"It is absolutely right that a new and fair settlement for Scotland should be accompanied by a new and fair settlement that applies to all parts of our United Kingdom. In Wales, there are proposals to give the Welsh government and Assembly more powers. And I want Wales to be at the heart of the debate on how to make our United Kingdom work for all our nations. In Northern Ireland, we must work to ensure that the devolved institutions function effectively.
"I have long believed that a crucial part missing from this national discussion is England. We have heard the voice of Scotland - and now the millions of voices of England must also be heard. The question of English votes for English laws – the so-called West Lothian question – requires a decisive answer.
"So, just as Scotland will vote separately in the Scottish Parliament on their issues of tax, spending and welfare, so too England, as well as Wales and Northern Ireland, should be able to vote on these issues and all this must take place in tandem with, and at the same pace as, the settlement for Scotland.
"I hope that is going to take place on a cross-party basis. I have asked William Hague to draw up these plans. We will set up a Cabinet Committee right away and proposals will also be ready to the same timetable. I hope the Labour Party and other parties will contribute.
"It is also important we have wider civic engagement about to improve governance in our United Kingdom, including how to empower our great cities. And we will say more about this in the coming days.
"This referendum has been hard fought. It has stirred strong passions. It has electrified politics in Scotland, and caught the imagination of people across the whole of our United Kingdom.
"It will be remembered as a powerful demonstration of the strength and vitality of our ancient democracy. Record numbers registered to vote and record numbers cast their vote. We can all be proud of that. It has reminded us how fortunate we are that we are able to settle these vital issues at the ballot box, peacefully and calmly.
"Now we must look forward, and turn this into the moment when everyone – whichever way they voted – comes together to build that better, brighter future for our entire United Kingdom."
David Cameron
Prime Minister

What happens next?

  • Scottish independence referendum - what happens next?
  • More powers for the Scottish Parliament


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