Crise europeia: enquanto os gregos quebram tudo, os portugueses tomam cafe...
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Crise europeia: enquanto os gregos quebram tudo, os portugueses tomam cafe...

Tranquilitos, como diria um honoris causa da universidade de coimbra (minusculas, neste caso).
Eu também acho que os portugueses têm razão: por que sair quebrando tudo pela frente, quando é muito melhor sentar na praça, ficar tomando café, olhando a vida passar?
Assim é que se faz...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Portugal’s PM cancels Christmas
Neil Lochery
Wall Street Journal, 8 June 2011

“In Lisbon, on the surface, everything appears quite normal. The balmy evenings of early summer have brought out the pavement café-goers, who sip their coffee from tiny cups and discuss next season's prospects for the city's two football teams. There is little talk of the economic crisis among Lisboetas. While the Greeks riot against the cuts imposed by the EU-IMF bailout, the Portuguese merely stare pensively into their coffee cups and expect the crisis to pass like a bad summer cold. Even bad news such as Tuesday's downgrading of Portugal's debt to junk status doesn't appear to have altered this passive outlook. The seeming indifference of much of the population to the economic crisis is largely based on the belief that despite all the rhetoric of the recent election campaign, the new government will not actually implement the scale of cuts in expenditure that the €78 billion EU-IMF bailout stipulates. Previous Portuguese governments have acquired a well-deserved reputation for signing up to packages—and subsequently wriggling out of many of the commitments that these agreements entail for the country. The partial implementation of the austerity package related to the last IMF bailout of Portugal in 1983 was a case in point.”

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