China-EUA: III Guerra Mundial? (imperios sao paranoicos por natureza) - new book from Harvard
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

China-EUA: III Guerra Mundial? (imperios sao paranoicos por natureza) - new book from Harvard

A century ago, Europe's diplomats mismanaged the crisis triggered by the murder of Archduke Franz Ferdinand of Austria, and the continent soon plunged into World War I, which killed millions, toppled dynasties, and destroyed empires. Almost as soon as the armies began to march, scholars started trying to explain what caused the Great War. One hundred years later, the continuing debate over the causes of World War I has been joined by lively consideration of the parallels between the present international system and the world of 1914.

Are China and the United States fated to follow in the footsteps of previous great power rivals? Will today's alliances drag countries into tomorrow's wars? Can leaders manage power relationships peacefully? Or will East Asia's territorial and maritime disputes trigger a larger conflict, just as rivalries in the Balkans did in 1914?
Alan Alexandroff  |  Graham Allison  |  Richard N. Cooper  |  Charles S. Maier
Steven E. Miller  |  Joseph S. Nye Jr.  |  T.G. Otte  |  David K. Richards
Richard N. Rosecrance  |  Kevin Rudd  |  Jack Snyder  |  Etel Solingen
Arthur A. Stein  |  Stephen Van Evera
​    ​    ​
Praise for The Next Great War?

None of the leaders who drifted into war in August 1914 would have done so could they have foreseen the world of 1918. In this thought-provoking volume, distinguished observers and participants in international affairs assess the origins of that catastrophe and its important lessons for the future.
—Henry A. Kissinger

Should be required reading in Washington and Beijing.
—Susan L. Shirk, University of California, San Diego

In this book, top international relations experts ask whether nations today can better control their destinies as the world lurches toward new conflicts.
—Francis Fukuyama, Stanford University

This unusually rich and insightful collection offers a convincing, thought-provoking discussion of why war broke out in 1914 and lessons that might be drawn for the future of U.S-China relations.
—Zara Steiner, University of Cambridge
READ: Excerpt from the introduction
READ: Ali Wyne's review in Global Asia
WATCH: Virtual Book Tour with Richard Rosecrance

Belfer Center Studies in International Security
Published by MIT Press, © 2015
Cloth bound, $27.00
ISBN: 9780262028998
To order: (800) 405-1619 or from MIT Press
Write to: [email protected]

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Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais
