Books of the Year - The Economist
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Books of the Year - The Economist

Consultei a lista dos 100 melhores livros, e depois a dos 10 melhores livros do ano, feitas pelo New York Times, e não achei muita coisa de interessante, ou "comprável". "Espremendo", talvez sobrassem, dois ou três de não-ficção e um ou dois de ficção, isso para o meu gosto, claro, pois os americanos -- os estadounidenses, escreveria um petista, ou um esquerdista desses antiamericanos, ou anti-estadunidenses, para contentar-lhes o instinto -- talvez achasse mais coisas aproveitáveis. Para o meu gosto, as listas eram muito americanas, como é óbvio em se tratando de um jornal americano, em primeiro lugar (ou estadunidense, se preferirem), nova-yorkino, em segundo lugar.
A Economist, por sua vez, é muito mais cosmopolita e internacionalizada, of course, et pour cause.
Por isso transcrevo aqui sua seleção. Espremendo, sobram quase 30% de coisas interessantes, do meu ponto de vista, claro. Depois volto ao assunto, nos balanços de final de ano, se tiver chance, tempo, sorte e disposição. Ufa (ainda tenho duas ou três coisas importantes para fazer antes do ano acabar).
Paulo Roberto de Almeida 

PS.: Se a transcrição não estiver muito lisível, não é minha culpa, e sim dessas formatações incontroláveis, da própria revista, ou do blog. Recomendo ler, então, o artigo original neste link:

Books of the Year


The best books of 2011 were about China, Congo, Afghanistan, Charles Dickens, Vincent van Gogh, the "Flora Delanica", Jerusalem, Mumbai’s dance bars, quantum physics, sugar, orgasms, blue nights, two moons and other people’s money(10)
  • Books by Economist writers in 2011(1)
  • Topic page: Books and literature

Thomas Heatherwick

A new kind of architecture

He makes pavilions from seeds and breathes life into buses(1)
  • Lessons of design learned from nature(24)
  • Topic page: Design

Literary prizes

On poets and patronage

There is no such thing as pure art(38)
  • The fuss about this year’s Man Booker is good for literature (Oct 2011)(15)
  • The crucial role bankers played in fuelling (and funding) the Renaissance (Oct 2011)(19)
  • Topic page: Literary Awards

Simon Sebag Montefiore on Jerusalem

The Economist Books of the Year Festival

A historian and writer on the myths and characters who have helped to shape the "city of the world"(1)
  • Review: "Jerusalem: The Biography" (Mar 2011)(3)
  • Review: "Stalin: The Court of the Red Tsar"

Scandinavian art

Northern lights

A show of paintings by Scandinavian pioneers of modernism comes to New York(1)
  • A Scandinavian artist duo design the next sculpture for the Fourth Plinth (Jan 2011)(1)
  • Scandinavian cool in London's salerooms (Jun 2007)
  • Edvard Munch through his own eyes (Oct 2005)
  • Topic page: Visual arts

Richard Branson

Ricky’s schemes

How to have fun, do good and make money(8)
  • Richard Branson on "Screw Business As Usual"(2)
  • Topic page: Richard Branson

Greek cinema

Dark, haunting and wonderfully weird

Yorgos Lanthimos and his ilk appear to be the great white hope of national cinema(2)
  • Topic page: Greece
  • Topic page: Movies

Music in commercials

Loony tunes

Companies sometimes choose some odd music to accompany their commercials(18)
  • Britain loses its last major record label(4)
  • The Stone Roses generation (Oct 2011)(26)
  • Topic page: Popular music

The Economist Books of the Year festival

Geoffrey Hill: Poems should be beautiful

One of the greatest living poets on never beginning a poem knowing how it will end, and the influence of politics(5)
  • Review: "Clavics" by Geoffrey Hill (Apr 2011)(1)
  • Choosing the best of what has been published in 2011(8)
  • Topic page: Poetry

The collapse of the Soviet Union

Russia’s imperial agony

The cost of the Soviet collapse has been huge and ongoing(89)
  • A biography of George Kennan, inventor of the policy of "containment" of the Soviet Union(14)
  • Who killed the Soviet economy? (Aug 2010)(23)
  • Topic page: Russian and Soviet history

Richard Holbrooke

Bullish and bullying

The rise of an American diplomat(7)
  • Trying to fill Holbrooke's shoes was never going to be easy (Feb 2011)(17)
  • Obituary: Richard Holbrooke (Dec 2010)(5)
  • Topic page: Richard Holbrooke

In defence of cities

The Q&A: Austin Williams, urbanist

A celebration of cities as places of uncertainty where great things can, and often do, happen(7)
  • Edward Glaeser on the importance of cities(21)
  • Review: "Triumph of the City" (Feb 2011)(7)


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Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais
