Aquecimento global: mapa interativo do The Guardian
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Aquecimento global: mapa interativo do The Guardian

O Le Monde, que leio regularmente, me chama a atenção para este útil mapa para identificar os vilões do aquecimento global: 

Les vrais responsables du changement climatique

Alors que doit s'achever la conférence de Durban, le quotidien britannique "The Guardian" a publié un nouvel outil interactif agrégeant de nombreuses données climatiques.

Which nations are really responsible for climate change - interactive map
There are many ways to view the world's carbon emissions: by national totals or emissions per person; by current carbon output or historical emissions; by production of greenhouse gases or consumption of goods and services; by absolute emissions or economic carbon intensity.
Our interactive map allows you to browse all of these different measurements, each of which provides a different insight. Together they highlight the complexity of divvying up responsibility for climate change and some of the tensions at the heart of the global climate negotiations.
Ultimate Climate FAQ: Which nations are most responsible for climate change
Get the data behind the map


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