A writer's inspiration (and a tool) for better technique at writing books for Kindle - Nancy Hendrickson
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A writer's inspiration (and a tool) for better technique at writing books for Kindle - Nancy Hendrickson

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Nancy Hendrickson:

  • How to Write for Kindle: A Non-Fiction Book in 72-Hours or Less (Writing Skills) 
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Ela envia, a todos os compradores, um presente diário para inspirá-los na escrita, na reflexão, na paixão pela escrita. Eis a primeira pílula:

Welcome to Day #1

Today's Writing Inspiration

A word is dead
When it is said,
Some say.
I say it just begins
to live that day.

- Emily Dickinson

I couldn't agree more. Writing your words and then speaking them give them a life that can live across the ages. 
When thinking about your book, poem or story today, remember that you're writing more than "just words".  Your words are an "energy" that can flow out across time and space.
What energy can you feel emanating from your work? Describe it.
And because Emily inspires me too - I wrote this in her honor. 

An Homage to Ms. Dickinson
The bottlebrush is filled with bees
Emily would be so pleased.
Buzzing, darting stem to stern
Nectar sweeter with each turn.


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