Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais
A maldicao do petroleo atingira' o Brasil?
Pode ser, e se depender da cupidez dos companheiros, certamente.
Mas uma coisa, o petróleo já aguçou: o espírito rentista de políticos e outros "expertos".
Paulo Roberto de Almeida
Presalt Oil DiscoveriesPablo Fajnzylber, Daniel Lederman and Julia Oliver
World Bank (4/2013)
Presalt oil discoveries and the long-term development of Brazil by Pablo Fajnzylber, Daniel Lederman and Julia Oliver published by World Bank (4/2013). "Newly discovered oil reserves off the coast of Brazil present a unique opportunity for the country to boost an already successful trajectory of growth and developmente. This note examines potencial choices for the government when it contemplates how to disburse this newfound wealth. This review suggest that Brazil would be well served by saving a large amount of the windfall, ensuring that the country's increased wealth reaches the poor, puting in place strong fiscal planning to guide efficient investment, and building the country's research and development capacity."
Fundo Soberano: Mais Um Crime Economico Companheiro...
Dilapidando recursos do país numa coisa que nunca foi um fundo e muito menos soberano. Só mais uma das esquizofrenias econômicas dos companheiros. Enfim, um crime econômico dos piores que eles já cometeram. O Brasil deve ter perdido, por baixo, 5...
Modelo Brasileiro De Desenvolvimento: Da Substituicao De Importacoes A...??? - Marcos Troyjo
Latin Trade, March 2014 issueWorld Economic Forum Latin America, Special Report Development models or growth tactics?By Marcos TroyjoImport substitution practices shielded Brazil and in general, Latin America, from the effects of the global...
Cooperacao Tecnica Brasileira - The Guardian
Brazil can blaze a new trail in international co-operationJonathan GlennieThe Guardian, 28 0ctober 2011 By pursuing an aid strategy based on mutual benefit, Brazil can consolidate its newfound place in the international spotlight It is a good time to...
Book: The New Brazil - Riordan Roett
The New Brazil Roett, Riordan Published By: Brookings Institution Press Published Date: 1 July 2011 The New Brazil tells the story of South America’s largest country as it evolved from a remote Portuguese colony into a regional leader; a respected...
O Brasil Em Davos: Debate Sobre O Brasil, Economia E Diplomacia
Brazil Outlook Friday 28 January, 11.00 - 12.00 World Economic Forum: http://www.weforum.org/s?s=Brazil With a new government in place, what are the country’s domestic and international priorities in 2011? The following dimensions will be addressed:...
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais