A importancia de ler livros: uma chinesa relata sua experiencia - Lisa Bu
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A importancia de ler livros: uma chinesa relata sua experiencia - Lisa Bu

Lisa Bu: How books can open your mind

Um depoimento simples, direto, emocionante, no TED.Vejam:


What happens when a dream you've held since childhood … doesn't come true? As Lisa Bu adjusted to a new life in the United States, she turned to books to expand her mind and create a new path for herself. She shares her unique approach to reading in this lovely, personal talk about the magic of books.
Lisa Bu has built a career helping people find great stories to listen to. Now she tells her own story. 
Full bio
Lisa Bu has built a career helping people find great stories to listen to. Now she tells her own story.

Why you should listen to her:

At TED's annual staff retreat, everyone has to get up and talk about something -- either about work, or about something interesting from their own lives. In fall 2012, our own Lisa Bu prepared a talk about her love of reading. And our quiet, funny and efficient Content Distribution Manager simply brought down the house, with a story that's too good not to share. We are thrilled and proud that Lisa is the first TED staffer ever to be invited to speak on the mainstage at the TED Conference.

Born and raised in Hunan, China, Lisa Bu has been with TED since 2011. Before that, she spent seven years as a talk show producer and a digital media content director at Wisconsin Public Radio. She's also a computer programmer, with a PhD in journalism and an MBA in information systems from the University of Wisconsin-Madison, as well as a BA in Chinese from Nanjing University in China.
"To participate is to say 'yes' to life, to join the force of life."
Lisa Bu, on voting for the first time


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