William Easterly: A Tirania dos Experts - Cato Institute, ao vivo
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William Easterly: A Tirania dos Experts - Cato Institute, ao vivo

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The Tyranny of Experts: Economists, Dictators, and the Forgotten Rights of the Poor

Featuring the author William Easterly; Professor of Economics, New York University; moderated by Ian Vasquez, Director, Center for Global Liberty and Prosperity, Cato Institute.
The technocratic approach to ending global poverty favored by development experts often strengthens authoritarian governments and neglects or undermines the preferences and personal choices of poor people. William Easterly will explain why a different branch of economics emerged for poor countries and how it has served the interests of decisionmakers in powerful countries, political leaders in poor countries, and humanitarians in rich countries. Join us to hear Professor Easterly make a case in favor of liberty that has so far been disregarded by the experts: poverty can only be ended and development sustained by respecting the individual rights of the world’s poor.


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