Uau! Meu cerebro em seu esporte preferido...
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Uau! Meu cerebro em seu esporte preferido...

Não sei se é exatamente isso, mas deve estar próximo do que seria um cérebro fervendo de tanto besteirol lido na imprensa e uma ou outra matéria interessante que eu mesmo escolhi, em livros ou revistas (até mesmo na internet).
Vou mandar scannerizar quando eu estiver lendo Das Kapital: deve sair uma bela imagem...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

This Is Your Brain On Reading
At this very moment, as your eyes are scanning across the words in front of you, you're performing a feat of mental gymnastics that no other species on earth can approach.

Mere milliseconds after the photons leaping from the screen hit your retinas, you not only recognize the words and letters, but you extract meaning from them. Before a second has passed, you've assembled an idea of what the sentence as a whole means, and as a result, you can make inferences that are unstated; you can prepare an appropriate response; and you can even predict what word is going to come potato.

I mean, "next." How you do this -- how you make meaning out of photons or sound waves -- is one of the great, persistent mysteries of the human mind. And until recently, we had no idea how our brains make meaning. And worse, we didn't even know how to figure it out. But that's all changing.

Click here to read the rest of this article
The Huff Post, 11/12/2012


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Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais
