Stefan Zweig - NYRBs editions
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Stefan Zweig - NYRBs editions

Dear Paulo Almeida,
We are pleased to announce the publication of Confusion by Stefan Zweig. This novella, in a new translation by Anthea Bell, is introduced by George Prochnik. For a limited time we are offering all NYRB Classics by Stefan Zweig at 30% off.

By Stefan Zweig
Introduction by George Prochnik
A new translation from the German by Anthea Bell

Roland is a young student who, after spending his early university days in Berlin strolling the streets and seducing young ladies, has agreed to focus on his academic career in a provincial university. He becomes fascinated by his new professor and is inspired to concentrate on his studies. The relationship benefits both of them since Roland persuades his teacher to finish the great work of scholarship that he has been laboring at for years.
Yet the professor's moods dramatically veer between enthusiasm and despair, and he disappears unexpectedly for days at a time. Furthermore, the professor's relationship with his much younger and beautiful wife is not as it should be. A puzzled Roland finds himself struggling as he tries to understand his own tenuous relationship with the couple.
As George Prochnik writes in his introduction: "In Confusion, people are befuddled about their feelings, their work, their duties, and their drives. Events spin round and round in a mad dance of discombobulation. Zweig brilliantly evokes the way that confusion can function as a pathogen—taking over the life of one person who then spreads that misapprehension willy-nilly among his intimates and on down through the generations."

$14.00 | Special Offer: $9.80

Read George Prochnik's introduction.

"Confusion is one of his finest and most exemplary works... a perfect reminder of, or introduction to, Zweig's economy and subtlety as a writer." —Robert Macfarlane, The Times Literary Supplement
Other titles by Stefan Zweig, also at 30% off

Chess Story
Introduction by
Peter Gay
Translated by
Joel Rotenburg

Special Offer: $9.07
read more »

Beware of Pity
Introduction by
Joan Acocella
Translated by 
Phyllis and Trevor Blewitt

Special Offer: $11.87 
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Journey Into the Past
Introduction by
André Aciman
Translated by 
Anthea Bell

Special Offer: $9.80
read more »

The Post-Office
Translated by
Joel Rotenberg

Special Offer: $9.80
read more »
New York Review Books, 435 Hudson Street, Suite 300, New York, NY 10014
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