Russia: "A mafia state should be treated as such." - Michael Weiss (Financial Times)
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Russia: "A mafia state should be treated as such." - Michael Weiss (Financial Times)

Apenas chamando a atenção para este artigo no Financial Time:

Russia/Ukraine: FP columnist Michael Weiss explains how Europe and the United States could impose sanctions on Russian President Vladimir Putin that would leave him hurting: "Let's give Putin a clear choice: Either he can continue subventing and enabling the bloodletting in eastern Ukraine, or we can expose the enormous global network of offshore bank accounts, dummy companies, and real estate holdings that belong to him and his criminal elite. A mafia state should be treated as such. And information should once again be weaponized as it was during the Cold War. Moscow has already gotten a head start, by leaking compromised telephone calls between members of our State Department and between Eurocrats and NATO-allied state officials.


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