O preferencialismo dos acordos comerciais discriminatorios: um desafio para a OMC
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

O preferencialismo dos acordos comerciais discriminatorios: um desafio para a OMC

Um estudo que vai na mesma linha argumentada em meu mais recente livro publicado:
Paulo Roberto de Almeida
Integração Regional: uma introdução
São Paulo: Saraiva, 2013, 192 p.;
Coleção: Temas Essenciais em R.I., vol. 3
Coordenadores: Antonio Carlos Lessa, Henrique A. de Oliveira
ISBN: 978-85-02-19963-7
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

"Preferentialism in Trade Relations: Challenges for the World Trade Organization" 
ADBI Working Paper 478
PATRICK LOW, Fung Global Institute

This paper argues that preferential trade agreements (PTAs) and the World Trade Organization (WTO) are not substitutes, and while PTAs are without doubt here to stay, dispensing with a multilateral venue for doing business in trade matters is not a serious option. It is therefore necessary to seek out better accommodation between PTAs and the WTO than has been apparent to date. The law of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT)/WTO has systematically fallen short in imposing discipline on discriminatory reciprocal trade agreements, while procedural requirements, such as notifications, have been partially observed at best, and dispute settlement findings have tended to reinforce existing weaknesses in the disciplines. One approach to remedying this situation is to explore a different kind of cooperation — that of soft law. A soft law approach to improving coherence and compatibility between the WTO and PTAs may hold some promise, but the option also has its pitfalls.


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Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais
