O Governo Goulart tinha deixado de funcionar meses antes do golpe de 1964 - Depoimento de um observador
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

O Governo Goulart tinha deixado de funcionar meses antes do golpe de 1964 - Depoimento de um observador

Recomendo a todos os interessados na historia das relações do Brasil com os Estados Unidos a leitura dos muitos depoimentos recolhidos no programa de história oral da: 

Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training (http://adst.org/)
Oral Histories: http://adst.org/oral-history/oral-history-interviews/
The more than 1800 oral histories completed over the past quarter century stem from the contributions of many individuals who gladly provided their expertise and numerous insights regarding U.S. diplomatic history and several others who selflessly volunteered their time to help edit the interviews. If you would like to volunteer to be interviewed or help with the interview and editing process, please complete this form.

Selecionei aqui o depoimento de um observador do golpe de 1964, a posteriori: 

As far as I could see, from my commercial point of view, that government  [isto é, o de Goulart] ceased to exist about four or five months before the revolution. We, in the embassy, going to the Foreign Office to explain positions, and trying to seek agreements on things, found we were talking to people who were shell-shocked by what was happening in Brazil, and could not make decisions. Government decisions were being made by Joao Goulart in public squares without any preparation of his own bureaucracy. There was nobody to make any kind of decisions in the country except these pronouncements in public squares. 

Pois é, a história é sempre um pouco diferente daquela que andam contando por aí.
Mas como a própria ADST diz, em seu moto símbolo: 

The past is never dead. It’s not even past.”  — William Faulkner

The Association for Diplomatic Studies and Training (ADST) is an independent nonprofit organization founded in 1986. Located at the State Department’s George P. Shultz National Foreign Affairs Training Center in Arlington, Virginia, ADST advances understanding of American diplomacy and supports training of foreign affairs personnel through a variety of programs and activities.
Over the past quarter century ADST has conducted more than 1800 oral histories, which are also posted on the Library of Congress website, with more to come. Interviewees include such fascinating people as Prudence Bushnell, who describes her harrowing experiences during the bombing of U.S. Embassy Nairobi, Julia Child, Philip Habib, Dean Rusk, George Ball, Kathleen Turner, and many others. Excerpts from our oral history collections highlight the horrifying, the thought-provoking, and the absurd. In other words, they reflect the reality of diplomacy, warts and all.


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Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais
