O Estado "burgues" contra as empresas capitalistas: onde ja se viu isso?
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

O Estado "burgues" contra as empresas capitalistas: onde ja se viu isso?

Para os que acreditam que o Estado burguês está a serviço dos perversos capitalistas...

F.D.A. Rejects Diet Pill in Setback for Obesity Drug Development
The New York Times alert, 28.10.2010

The Food and Drug Administration rejected another new diet pill on Thursday, a decision that sharply diminished the already scarce number of options available to overweight Americans amid the nation's obesity epidemic.

The rejected drug, called Qnexa, is the third weight loss drug to suffer a significant setback this month because of concerns about safety, as federal regulators seem to have heightened their scrutiny of diet pills that could pose risks to the heart or other organs.

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Onde já se viu tamanho desrespeito com o investimento capitalista?


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Monday, 02 January 2012 09:01Bolivia Officially Withdrawn from UN Drug ConventionWritten by  Elyssa Pachico Share Starting January 1, Bolivia will no longer answer to a major United Nations (UN) drug treaty. The withdrawal is a protest against...

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Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais
