O ar fesco da nova historia das relacoes internacionais - seminario na UnB, 1 e 2 de julho de 2013
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

O ar fesco da nova historia das relacoes internacionais - seminario na UnB, 1 e 2 de julho de 2013

Que não se confunda: ar fresco quer dizer renovação, inovação, revolução, transformação, qualquer coisa, menos o que vocês estão pensando...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Seminário Internacional “Fresh Air on History of International Relations” – iREL-UnB, 1 e 2 de julho de 2013

O Instituto de Relações Internacionais da Universidade de Brasília – iREL-UnB convida para o Seminário  Internacional “Fresh Air on History of International Relations”, em cooperação com a Comissão de História das Relações Internacionais e as Universidades de Paris 1 e de Oxford.
O Smeinário terá lugar no Auditório do Instituto de Relações Internacionais da UnB (Campus Universitário Darcy Ribeiro – Asa Norte – Brasília – DF), nos dias 1 e 2 de julho de 2013. As vagas são limitadas e inscrições devem ser feitas pelo e-mail [email protected].
Opening Session; 9:00 – 10:00 am:
  • Professor Eiiti Sato (Director of the Institute of International Relations, UnB)
  • Professor Hugues Tertrais (President of the Commission of History of International Relations, CHIR, and Professor of the University of Paris 1)
  • Professor Antonio Carlos Lessa (Director of the Postgraduate Program, Institute of International Relations, UnB)
Second Session, New approaches; 10-12:00
  • Professor José Flávio Sombra Saraiva (UnB and Vice-President of CHIR): Changing the past: New approaches on History of International Relations.
  • Professor Robert Frank (University of Paris 1 and General Secretary of World Congress of Historical Sciences): Pour l’histoire de relations internationales: penser la complexité du monde actuel.
  • Professor Amado Luiz Cervo (UnB): La tradition renouvelée: l’histoire de relations internationales au Brésil
  • Professor Tullo Vigevani (UNESP): Some ideas on International Relations: History and Theory
  • Professor Danielly Ramos (UnB): Comments and debates
Third Session, Presentation of the new book by Robert Frank, Pour l’histoire des relations internationales (Paris: PUF, 2012); 2:30-4:30pm
  • Postgraduate Students Aline Alencar, Natália Coêlho and Maria Helena Notari (UnB): A summary and some concepts of the new book
  • Professor Robert Frank: La fécondité de l’histoire des relations internationales
  • Professor Estevão Chaves de Rezende Martins (UnB): Débat autour du livre
Forth Session, Rethinking Wars and Conflicts in New Historiographies; 9:00-10:30am
  • Professor Hugues Tertrais (University of Paris 1): Conflits militaires en Asie et les recherches historiques
  • Professor Francisco Doratioto (UnB and Rio Branco Institute, Ministry of Foreign Affairs): Guerres au Rio de la Plata pendant le XIXème siècle
  • Professor Patricia Clavin (The University of Oxford, Jesus College): Between the 1st and the 2nd WW
  • Professor Antonio Carlos Lessa (UnB): Comments and reactions
Fifth Session, CHIR and World Congress of Historical Sciences in China (2015): opportunities for fresh air on History of International Relations and possibilities for Brazilian historians; 10:30-11;30 am
  • Professor Robert Frank (Secretary General of the World Congress of Historical Sciences for China 2015)
  • Professor Hugues Tertrais (President of CHIR)
  • Professor José Flávio Sombra Saraiva (UnB and Vice-President of CHIR)
  • Professors Pio Penna Filho and Tania Pechir Gomes: Comments, reactions, and conclusions


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Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais
