Latin American development trends and Brazil’s role in the region - Paulo Roberto de Almeida
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Latin American development trends and Brazil’s role in the region - Paulo Roberto de Almeida

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1181. “Latin American development trends and Brazil’s role in the region”, revista Paiaguás: revista de estudos sobre a Amazônia e Pacífico (UFMS; vol. I, n. 1, 2015; link para a revista:; link para o artigo:; em pdf: Relação de Originais n. 2830.

v. 1, n. 1 (2015) > Almeida

Latin American development trends and Brazil’s role in the region

Paulo Roberto de Almeida


Analytical essay dealing with Latin American integration process, its peculiarities and  the recent development trends in the region. Instead of deepening its integration process, Latin America is experiencing a clear fragmentation path, with many divergences among leading countries in the domains of economic policies and the integration processes, notwithstanding the fact that new instances were created for that objective (Unasur, Celac). The essay also examines Brazil’s economic and political role in the region, and concludes by an assessment of current trends (comparing the region with Asia Pacific) and advance prospects for divergent trends in Latin America.

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