Kafka e a Muralha da China: por favor, me prendam, eu quero ser preso, eu imploro...
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Kafka e a Muralha da China: por favor, me prendam, eu quero ser preso, eu imploro...

Kafkiano, realmente...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

China: Wanted Exile’s Attempt to Surrender Is Rejected
By THE ASSOCIATED PRESS, November 25, 2013

The second most-wanted student leader from the 1989 Tiananmen Square pro-democracy protests was turned back from Hong Kong on Monday in his latest attempt to surrender to Chinese authorities and return home. It was the fourth such attempt by the former student leader, Wu’er Kaixi, who said his lack of success so far was the result of “absurd” actions by the Chinese government.

Mr. Wu’er, who has lived in exile in the United States and Taiwan for more than two decades, is stuck in a situation in which he is both wanted for arrest and, like many other dissidents who have fled, prevented from returning to China. Mr. Wu’er said in a blog post that he wanted to go back to China to see his ailing parents and other family members, whom he has not seen since he fled into exile 24 years ago. His parents have also been denied permission to visit him. He was named No. 2 on the Chinese government’s list of 21 wanted student leaders (behind Wang Dan) after the military crushed the 1989 protests, killing at least hundreds.


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