Jornalistas a servico do poder: um teste que poderia servir de modelo aos companheiros mercenarios
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Jornalistas a servico do poder: um teste que poderia servir de modelo aos companheiros mercenarios

Não tenho dúvidas de que os companheiros poderiam se inspirar no teste abaixo para fazer uma espécie de exercício de conformidade com o besteirol do poder para uso de todos os sabujos, legionários, serviçais do partido totalitário na área de comunicações, ou de mídia como eles gostam de dizer.
Totalitários de todo mundo, uni-vos, pois vossas mentiras já não convencem muita gente. Treinem técnicas mais sofisticadas para continuar enganando os ingênuos, os incautos, os ignorantes.
Paulo Roberto de Almeida 

Are You Qualified to Be a Journalist in China? Take the Test

Bobby Yip/ReutersA policeman stands guard outside the Southern Weekly newspaper in Guangzhou last January after reporters went on strike over a scrapped New Year’s editorial. Next year, reporters will have to pass a new exam to keep their press cards.
What is the essence of the Chinese Dream? What did Marx and Engels ask of newspaper reporters? How do Chinese and Western views on journalism differ?
Those are some of the questions Chinese journalists can expect to be quizzed on when they renew their press cards in early 2014.
This is the first time that all Chinese reporters have been required to take a test as part of the annual press card renewal process. In theory, journalists need the press card to work legally in China, although some commercial media companies employ reporters without the certification. Those who fail will be permitted to take it again.
The goal of the test is to “educate and lead news gatherers to uphold the Marxist journalistic ideals more consciously, to better serve the people, socialism, the work of the party and the country,” according to the General Administration of Press, Publication, Radio, Film and Television.
“The point of the test is to teach the reporters, both veteran and new ones, what they are and are not allowed to do from now on. It makes it clear that they are not free do report on whatever they choose to. It is to say: there are rules, ” says Qiao Mu, professor of media studies of Beijing Foreign Studies University, in a phone interview, “the test also raises the ideology studies threshold for the profession of reporters to that of the party officials or civil servants. It is going to influence the working reporters imperceptibly, which gives the party more control on the media.”
Since November, news organizations across China have been holding weekly lectures on the latest journalistic principles as outlined by the Communist Party Central Committee’s Third Plenum. Journalists are strongly encouraged to attend, though not all have.
“I was busy with other work at that time, so I didn’t attend,” said Xue Jiancong, a reporter for the Shanghai-based Oriental Morning Post.
The test is seen as another step in tightening the party’s control over media. At a conference in August, President Xi Jinping called for the “consolidation of mainstream ideology and opinion” to ensure a correct political direction by media outlets, Xinhua reported. Mr. Xi’s speech has been incorporated into the test.
“The point of the test is to teach the reporters, both veteran and new ones, what they are and are not allowed to do from now on. It makes clear that they are not free to report on whatever they choose to. It is to say: there are rules, ” said Qiao Mu, professor of media studies at Beijing Foreign Studies University, in a phone interview.
The test will be based on a two-volume study guide, “Training Material for News Reporters and Editors,” with chapters on ‘Socialism with Chinese Characteristics,’ Marxist journalistic ideals, journalistic ethics, media regulations, news writing and how to avoid the publication of fabricated news stories. It also contains 600 questions that provide the basis for the exam.
“News and publication workers must consciously recognize and shoulder the historic mission of realizing the China Dream,” reads the study guide’s forward, titled “Be a Good Scribe of the China Dream,” by Jiang Jianguo, the Communist Party chief of the press administration.
On the difference between Chinese and Western journalistic ideals, the textbook states: “There is variety in the road to modernization, and therefore it is normal for the East and the West to have differences. There is no one fixed model or one same road to development. Modernization is not Westernization, and definitely not Americanization.”
China’s media system is strongly censored. Propaganda authorities regularly telephone or send faxes to Chinese editors and reporters with detailed instructions on how to handle various issues — or to ban coverage altogether on topics the government considers sensitive.
“Unlike Western countries, the most important function of news media in our country is to be the ears, eyes, throat and tongue for the party and the people,” the study guide says. “In order for this function to be carried out, news media in our country must be loyal to the party, adhere to the party’s leadership and make the principle of loyalty to the party the principle of the journalistic profession.”
Mr. Xue said he believes the exam will have some benefits, since it will weed out some unfit journalists. The section on avoiding “fabricated news” will help improve professional standards, he said.
To some Chinese journalists, the test requirement did not come as a surprise.
“You know that China isn’t a country with press freedom anyway,” said a Chinese journalist who declined to be named because of the sensitivity of the issue. “I can guarantee that many Chinese journalists will just smile to themselves and not take it seriously. We’re all used to news management.”
Mr. Xue, however, doesn’t expect the test to become a permanent requirement. “My understanding is that it’s a one-off,” he said. It would probably “take too much effort” to do this on an annual basis, he said.
Are you qualified to be a journalist in China? Take these multiple-choice questions from the official training guide and find out. Answers are at the end.
1. What is the essence of “Socialism with Chinese Characteristics”?
a. Social harmony.
b. Comfortable standard of living.
c. Comfortable standard of living for all.
d. The Four Modernizations.

2. Comrade Xi Jinping has said that the Chinese Dream is essentially the dream of __?
a. The people.
b. The working class.
c. The Communist Party of China.
d. All Chinese people around the world.

3. Comrade Xi Jinping said that, in order to realize the Chinese Dream, we must take the road of __?
a. Socialism with Chinese characteristics.
b. Modernization.
c. Peaceful development.
d. Opening up and reform.

4. Comrade Xi Jinping said that, in order to realize the Chinese Dream, we must unite the power of China, which is:
a. The power of the leadership of the Communist Party of China.
b. The power of the unity of all ethnicities of the Chinese people.
c. The power of the unity of the working class.
d. The power of the unity of all Chinese people around the globe.

5. The ultimate mission of socialism with Chinese characteristics is:
a. Opening up and reform.
b. Improving economic structure.
c. Raising GDP.
d. Emancipate and develop social productivity.

6. Comrade Xi Jinping points out that, in order to realize the Chinese Dream, we must carry forward the Chinese spirit, which includes: (May choose more than one.)
a. The spirit of the nation with its core in patriotism.
b. The spirit of the our time with its core in reform and innovation.
c. The spirit of rule of law with its core in democratic politics.
d. The spirit of tradition with its core in honesty and honor.

7. How can news and media workers improve their ability of leading public opinion? (May choose more than one.)
a. Insist on principles of the party.
b. Insist on being people-oriented.
c. Keep on innovating and reforming.
d. Strengthen cultivation of talents.

8. “Prime Minister Zhu Rongji looked stern, and pointed out solemnly: ‘Whoever promotes Taiwan independence will not end up well!’ His words rang in our ears and shook our hearts.” What is good about this quote?
a. It vividly sums up the speaker’s view.
b. It gives the facts in a nutshell.
c. It is concise.
d. It provides a smooth segue.

9. What is the most basic principle of news ethics in our country? What is the most basic principle of Western news ethics? (May choose more than one.)
a. The principle of social responsibility.
b. The principle of serving the people.
c. The principle of journalistic professionalism.
d. The principle of freedom of the press.

10. What is the most important difference between our news ethics and that of Western developed countries?
a. Our news ethics belong to the theoretical system of socialism ethics; news ethics of Western developed countries belong to the theoretical system of capitalism ethics.
b. The most basic principle of our news ethics is wholeheartedly serve the people; the most basic principle of news ethics of Western developed countries is freedom of the press.
c. Our news ethics emphasize the people; Western developed countries emphasize the media’s social responsibilities.
d. Our news ethics emphasize the principles of the party; Western developed countries emphasize that individuals should be independent of political parties.
1. a; 2. a; 3. a; 4. b; 5. d; 6. a, b; 7. a,b,c,d; 8. a; 9. b,d; 10. b


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