Hong Kong (4): um pais, dois sistemas (talvez se deva estender o princípio)
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Hong Kong (4): um pais, dois sistemas (talvez se deva estender o princípio)

Para seduzir os habitantes de Hong Kong e os de Macau, em seus processos de retrocessão à China, no término das administrações coloniais do Reino Unido e de Portugal, respectivamente, os dirigentes da RPC inventaram a fórmula "um país, dois sistemas", que pretendem aplicar também ao caso de Taiwan, se por acaso a ilha rebelde se dobrar às injunções dos comunistas para retornar ao seio da (assim dita) "pátria-mãe" (o que eu acho particularmente improvável).
Mas quem sabe os dirigentes chineses começam por aplicar esse sistema aos casos do Tibet e do Xinjiang?
Acho que seria muito bem recebido...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida 

Hu: Our shared mission '1 country, 2 systems'

Source: Xinhua  - Shanghai Daily,  July 2, 2012

ADVANCING the cause of "one country, two systems" is the shared mission of the central government and the government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region, President Hu Jintao said yesterday.

Hong Kong's remarkable achievement proves that the "one country, two systems" is the best solution to the Hong Kong question left over from history and the best institutional arrangement for the long-term prosperity and stability of Hong Kong, Hu said. 

He was at a gathering for the 15th anniversary of Hong Kong's return to the motherland and the swearing-in of the fourth-term government and Chief Executive Leung Chun-ying.

Leung, who is 58 next month, said that during the next five years of his tenure, he and his government will focus on addressing major issues such as sustaining economic growth, expanding job opportunities, offering more public housing and other items concerning people's livelihood.

Leung called his standing for election "a humbling experience" and vowed to honor the pledges he had made - to uphold justice, protect the rights of the people, safeguard the rule of law, clean government, freedom and democracy and take an inclusive approach toward different opinions and views. 

Leung made the pledge in his inaugural speech at the Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Center.

In spite of many challenges, Leung said the new government could "resolve the conflicts that exist in our society and clashes that may arise from different values or political ideologies."

"I will spare no effort to carry out my election platform and lead Hong Kong in 'seeking change while preserving stability'" in the next five years, said the chief of the region with a population of 7 million.

Leung said to promote sustained and robust economic development, the foundation of Hong Kong's prosperity, "the government must assist investors and enterprises, large and small, to seize opportunities arising from our nation's and the world's economic growth."

Business and financial sectors have been the major driving forces behind Hong Kong's economic development. "We must capitalize on the opportunities to consolidate and elevate Hong Kong's status as an international financial center and help the shipping industry to restructure and upgrade," he said.

Hong Kong must fully implement all economic and trade agreements signed with mainland counterparts to expand job opportunities and development potential in the mainland for Hong Kong people, he said.

He said his government would formulate industry policy to promote and support the pillar industries, including supporting Hong Kong enterprises operating outside Hong Kong and new industries with growth potential.

Yesterday's celebrations began with a flag-raising ceremony at the Golden Bauhinia Square. 


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Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais
