Grecia saindo do euro: cronica de um desastre anunciado - Der Spiegel
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Grecia saindo do euro: cronica de um desastre anunciado - Der Spiegel

Greece Before the AbyssOnly Bankruptcy Can Help Now

Lighting strikes above the Arcopolis in Athens.
Greece has disappointed its creditors yet again. Now its government plans to ask for more time -- and needs billions more in aid. But Greece's euro-zone partners are unwilling to provide any more help, meaning that the only hope now is to admit defeat and let the country make a fresh start.

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- Franca E Alemanha: Contradicoes Na Lideranca Europeia
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- Voce Confia No Governo? Nao Deveria... (mas Se Aplica A Todos...)
The Year Governments Lost Their Credibility Floyd Norris. The New York Times, December 30, 2011 For most of 2011, it appeared that the year would be decent, if not particularly interesting, for investors.Then Europe announced its second plan to...

- Crise Financeira Na Europa: Italia Para Nao-italianos...
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- Grecia Tem 98% De Chance De Dar Calote (acho Que Deve Ser 120%)
Greece Has 98% Chance of Default on Euro-Region Sovereign WoesBloomberg News, Sept. 13  Greece has a 98 percent chance of defaulting on its debt in the next five years as Prime Minister George Papandreou fails to reassure investors his...

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