G20 na Coreia do Sul: uma agenda cheia de deja-vus e platitudes
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

G20 na Coreia do Sul: uma agenda cheia de deja-vus e platitudes

O site Korea.net acaba de publicar os grandes temas para a agenda do encontro de cúpula do G20 a ser realizado na Coréia do Sul.
Acho que tem para todos os gostos, dentro do politicamente correto. A destacar o penúltimo item, abordando energia e anti-corrupção. Não sei se é intencional, ou seja, buscar uma corrupção mais energética, ou colocar mais energia na luta contra a corrupção. Vai lá saber...
Em todo caso, já sabemos o que esperar: aquelas declarações mornas, cheias de boas intenções, para que cada país continue a fazer exatamente o que estava fazendo antes...
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Key phrases for the G20 Summit revealed
Korea.net, Aug. 17, 2010

The key phrases for the G20 Financial Summit meeting have been disclosed. The Presidential Committee for the G20 Seoul Summit explained that the new phrase “Shared Growth Beyond Crisis” reflects the main theme of the G20 Summit, which aims to establish a framework for strong, sustainable balanced growth worldwide.

The agenda for the G20 Summit was classified into eight categories: ▲ global economy ▲cooperative framework for balanced growth ▲reform of the international financial regulatory system ▲modernization of international financial institutions and the global financial safety net ▲development ▲trade and investment ▲energy and anti-corruption ▲ business summit.

The government has already held a high level working group meeting in Seoul on July 19 and 20, followed by the Sherpa meeting from July 20 to22. The high-level meeting, attended by some 100 representatives from member nations and global institutions, discussed specifying the existing agendas and decided on the future directions for talks.

The Sherpa meeting, which is a closed-door event, was attended by another 100 deputy representatives and aides from member nations and relevant institutions to review the general direction for the G20 agenda. The name of the meeting is derived from the Sherpas of the Himalayas, guides and porters for those who seek to scale the mountains.

The Presidential Committee will continue to hold preparatory meetings related to finance, budget, energy, and development, and seek the advice of other countries to coordinate before the official meeting.

By Kim Hee-sung
Korea.net Staff Writer


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