From Davos to... what, exactly?
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

From Davos to... what, exactly?

The world economy
Semi-rational exuberance
The world economy is improving. But not as much as some investors seem to think
A VIRUS is spreading through financial markets—and it isn’t the flu. Investors around the world have been struck by a bout of optimism. As stockmarkets from New York to Tokyo hit multi-year highs, the VIX, a gauge of investors’ fear, fell to its lowest since 2007.


- Ufc Economico: Brazil’s Election: In Face-off With Mantega, Fraga Disappoints (ft)
Brazil’s election: in face-off with Mantega, Fraga disappointsSamantha Pearson The Financial Times, 10/10/2014 It was set to be one of the biggest massacres of Brazil’s election. On Thursday night Guido Mantega, finance minister, went head-to-head...

- Ouro: A Reliquia Barbara Em Queda Livre - Nytimes
Price of Gold Takes Flashy Fall; Other Markets Follow The steep fall in gold led a broader sell-off across the markets. The S.& P. index declined the most in one day since early November. By NATHANIEL POPPER The New York Times, April 15, 2013 Gold...

- Uma Suposta Guerra Cambial Para O Nytimes
Ate o New York Times caiu nessa esparrela da guerra cambial... PRA EDITORIAL Preventing a Currency War New York Times: February 13, 2013 The Group of 7 industrialized countries appeared to tamp down talk of a currency war in a statement this week that...

- Google Desvaloriza Os Brics: Brasil Com Cotacao Baixa...
Como a sigla foi criada por um economista, e implementada artificialmente por políticos ambiciosos, nada demais contra os ups and downs do movimento das bolsas. A cotação dos Brics (antes Bric) já foi mais alta, e a do Brasil sempre foi supervalorizada...

- Voce Confia No Governo? Nao Deveria... (mas Se Aplica A Todos...)
The Year Governments Lost Their Credibility Floyd Norris. The New York Times, December 30, 2011 For most of 2011, it appeared that the year would be decent, if not particularly interesting, for investors.Then Europe announced its second plan to...

Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais
