EUA: alerta laranja nas contas públicas...
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

EUA: alerta laranja nas contas públicas...

Tempos keynesianos: os tecnocratas não apenas não se preocupam com a dívida pública, como confessam alegremente que pretendem fazer mais.

U.S. will hit debt limit on Dec. 31, Treasury says

The U.S. government will exhaust its borrowing authority on Dec. 31 and hit the $16.4 trillion federal debt limit, the Treasury Department said Wednesday, beginning a countdown until Congress either passes legislation to allow for more borrowing or the government defaults on its debt.

Treasury Secretary Timothy F. Geithner said in a letter to senior lawmakers that the Treasury would begin to undertake "extraordinary measures" in order to forestall default. Geithner said the measures could create about $200 billion in additional funding available to the government – giving Congress two months before it must raise the debt

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