Duas tragedias da humanidade: Ebola e Holocausto - Der Spiegel
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Duas tragedias da humanidade: Ebola e Holocausto - Der Spiegel

Matérias desta data (30/09/2014) na revista alemã Der Spiegel:


'It Is What People Call a Perfect Storm'

Almost four decades ago, Peter Piot was part of the team that discovered the Ebola virus. In a SPIEGEL interview, he describes how the disease was isolated and explains why the current outbreak is different than any that have come before.
Photo Gallery: A Growing Epidemic


Recovering the Lost History of Sobibór

Henchman with the Nazi SS sought to cover up the mass murder that occurred at the Sobibór concentration camp in eastern Poland. Archeologists recently uncovered the site's hidden gas chambers and important artifacts that shed light on the victims.


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- Falsos Verdadeiros: Os Cadernos De Memorias De Hitler - Der Spiegel
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