Diplomacia Sul-Sul, pelo lado unilateral...
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Diplomacia Sul-Sul, pelo lado unilateral...

China x Brazil (BBVA)

The impact of the emergence of China on Brazilian international trade, published by BBVA, indicated by Enestor dos Santos. This work studied the impact that the Chinese trade expansion had on the Brazilian international trade. Available data analyzed in this paper evidences that in the last years Brazilian exports of commodity products increased significantly due to the emergence of China and other Asian countries. They showed that Brazilian exports of high technological content and high quality increased more than the average and more than low technological and low quality exports in the last years.
WP_1022_tcm348-231940.pdf1517 Kb17/11/2010


- Global Trade: Analysis By Oecd (dynamic)
Recomendo acesso ao link abaixo para aproveitamento de todas as possibilidades desta apresentação:http://www.oecd.org/newsroom/newoecd-wtoanalysishighlightschangingfaceofglobaltrade.htm Paulo Roberto de Almeida   New OECD-WTO analysis highlights...

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- Miragens Chinesas - The Economist
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Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais
