China's Global Rise: Implications for the Americas
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

China's Global Rise: Implications for the Americas

Americas Quarterly Winter 2012 Issue:
China's Global Rise: Implications for the Americas

Growing economic and diplomatic ties between China and Latin America have boosted economies and shifted political dynamics in the Americas. How do Beijing’s development, trade and geopolitical goals intersect with regional development and politics? Do these goals challenge U.S. economic and geostrategic interests? Find out in the new issue of Americas Quarterly.

The Winter 2012 AQ adds new perspective and details to the China–Latin America relationship in a series of articles by both top China specialists and Latin Americanists. Elizabeth Economy of the Council on Foreign Relations and Zhang Mingde of the Shanghai Institutes for International Studies—both China experts—explain China’s world view and foreign policy. Osvaldo Rosales of the Economic Commission for Latin America and the Caribbean analyzes how Chinese manufactured exports undermine the region, and our signature Charticle lays out the facts about Chinese trade and investment.

In other articles, journalist Mike McDonald discusses the weak state capacity and pervasive crime that threaten Guatemala and Nicaragua as both inaugurate presidents to new terms. Silvio Waisbord of the George Washington University cautions that, far from solving the censorship and inequality of old media, social media also faces challenges of state manipulation and lack of professionalism. Gregory Elacqua of Universidad Diego Portales argues that the Chilean student protest movement has shaped public opinion but has yet to influence public policy, and Stephanie Leutert reports from Ecuador on the plight of Colombian refugees.

Access content from this issue, as well as the latest blog posts and web-exclusive articles from our 23 contributors across the Americas, at We also invite you to visit our social inclusion portal featuring voices from historically marginalized groups. Follow us on Twitter: @AmerQuarterly, and like us on Facebook:

[full-text available online]:
Time for a Strategic Reset [Video interview available]
Unless the leadership in Beijing changes course, it faces increasing isolation.

CHARTICLE: The Fast Ramp-Up
The economics of the China–Latin America relationship.

Much in Common

A senior Shanghai scholar says China poses no threat to the region.

PHOTO ESSAY: East Meets South
Mexicans and Chinese learn, play and work together.

Trade Competition from China
The impact of Chinese exports on four countries in the region.

PLUS [full-text available online]:

Guatemala’s Military Man, Nicaragua’s Revolutionary
The newly elected leaders of Guatemala and Nicaragua are familiar. So are the problems they face.

Media 1.5 [Audio interview available]
New technology has expanded the media choices available to Latin Americans. But don’t expect it to usher in a new era of citizen engagement.

. . . AND MORE


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Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais
