Bin Laden inflation - Washington Post
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Bin Laden inflation - Washington Post

Incontornável Bin Laden na imprensa americana

The Washington Post, May 3, 2011

Obama: ‘The world is safer . . . because of the death of Osama bin Laden’
The Obama administration presented new details Monday about the death of Osama bin Laden, portraying the spiritual leader of al-Qaeda as a reclusive figure who had lived in relative luxury and whose final moments had finally exposed his cowardice.

Al-Qaeda affiliates poised to produce new leaders
NAIROBI — With the death of Osama bin Laden, the future of al-Qaeda remains murky, facing a potential contest for the network’s leadership between leaders of the group’s old guard and those heading newer, ambitious franchises in Africa and the Middle East, according to terrorism experts.

Failure to discover bin Laden’s refuge stirs suspicion over Pakistan’s role
ISLAMABAD, Pakistan — Even in a neighborhood of roomy modern residences, the three-story white house stood out. The home, down the street from an elite Pakistani military academy, was eight times as large as others nearby. Its razor-wire-topped walls were higher. Its occupants acted mysteriously, neighbors said, burning trash rather than placing it outside.

Afghans worry bin Laden’s death could weaken U.S. resolve
KABUL — The U.S. military has killed thousands of insurgents in Afghanistan that have done far more in the daily work of war than Osama bin Laden ever could hidden in his walled white house in a Pakistani military town. Taliban shadow governors, bomb-builders, would-be suicide attackers have all fallen at an unprecedented pace in recent months.


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Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais
