Big Brother: enfermidade chinesa-orwelliana atinge outros países, Turquia, por exemplo...
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Big Brother: enfermidade chinesa-orwelliana atinge outros países, Turquia, por exemplo...

Parece que a mania vai além da China, que já tem uma Grande Muralha barrando todas essas ferramentas inconvenientes que são as de comunicação social independentes dos governos. Nem se trata de Cuba e Coreia do Norte, dois recantos miseráveis do planeta nos quais os cidadãos não conseguem se comunicar normalmente.
Agora a Turquia ameaça aderir a práticas orwellianas que julgávamos em extinção.
Mais um pouco a Venezuela chavista deve entrar no mesmo circuito, querem apostar?
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

Turkey’s Prime Minister Threatens to Ban Facebook, YouTube
Foreign Policy, March 7, 2014

Turkey's Prime Minister Recep Tayyip Erdogan has threatened to shut down social media sites Facebook and YouTube in response to recent wiretap recordings released anonymously over YouTube. The controversial recordings, the latest development in Turkey's corruption scandal, allegedly incriminate Erdogan and other government officials. In a late Thursday ATV broadcast, Erdogan asserted, "We are determined on this subject. We will not leave this nation at the mercy of YouTube and Facebook," adding that such measures would not take place until after March 30 municipal elections. Turkey's President Abdullah Gul commented Friday that such a ban is "out of the question." Gul, however, added that authorities had the power under a new law to block access to certain materials if a person's privacy is being violated. Meanwhile, new labor statistics show that Turkey's unemployment rate for 2013 increased to 9.7 percent, surpassing the government's goal of 9.5 percent. Despite the economic situation and recent corruption allegations, a poll released Tuesday reported that Erdogan's approval rating rose from its all-time low of 39.4 percent in January to 43.5 percent in February.


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