Banqueiros preocupados (nao no Brasil; dos EUA)...
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Banqueiros preocupados (nao no Brasil; dos EUA)...

A principal revista do "capital financeiro monopolista internacional", como se dizia antigamente (quando todo mundo era marxista), ou seja, dos financistas, agiotas e especuladores de Wall Street, lança um alerta ao seus afiliados: por força de uma legislação muito intrusiva e reguladora, o setor bancário americano pode ficar atrás e já estaria perdendo terreno para seus concorrentes de outros países.
Paulo Roberto de Almeida

American Banker
Letter from the Chairman
Dear Colleague:

It’s been nearly a year since the passage of the Dodd-Frank Act, the most significant financial services legislation since the Great Depression, and banks, industry representatives, academics and analysts are still trying to come to grips with it.

At more than 2,300 pages containing hundreds of new rules – not to mention the creation of a new agency devoted solely to consumer protection – the impact of the law may not ultimately be clear for years to come. Regulators are still in the process of identifying systemically important banks and nonbanks, forcing securitizers to retain at least some of the risk of loans they sell and creating new mortgage disclosure standards, just to name a few.

While it’s tempting for bankers to look at the size and scope of the regulatory reform law and throw up their hands in confusion, understanding the aftermath of Dodd-Frank will be critical for their business in the months and years ahead. That’s why American Banker is holding its first Regulatory Symposium.

In speeches from top lawmakers and regulators, and panel discussions covering the hot topics in the policy world, we hope to shed light on how regulatory reform has changed the business of banking, and what financial services executives can expect next.

Please accept our invitation to join us September 19 and 20 in Washington D.C. It’s your chance to find out first hand from the key policy players what’s happening in the nation’s capital, and where regulators and lawmakers are liable to focus in the future.

Rob Blackwell
Washington Bureau Chief
American Banker


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Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais
