Armas de destruicao (financeira) em massa: o terceiro maior perigo
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Armas de destruicao (financeira) em massa: o terceiro maior perigo

Capitalistas sempre sabem do que falam, quando tratam de ativos (os seus ou o dos clientes, que eles tratam menos cuidadosamente):

From the Editors of American Banker
BankThink: Data Insecurity Is a Systemic Threat
August 17, 2011

"The FBI rates cyber attacks as the third greatest threat to U.S. security behind only nuclear warfare and weapons of mass destruction," writes columnist and former comptroller of the currency Eugene Ludwig. He notes the Financial Stability Oversight Council's mention of data security weakness as a potential systemic threat and explains that as an information business, the financial industry is especially prone to harm from hackers.
Go to to read the rest of Ludwig's column.

Enfim, entre mortos e feridos, o que sempre ocorre é um pouco de "redistribuição de renda" (forçada neste caso)...


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