Angus Maddison: um grande economista, e historiador
Diplomacia e Relações Internacionais

Angus Maddison: um grande economista, e historiador

Minha homenagem a um economista que já me deu régua e compasso, ou seja, dados preciosos para minhas análises de longo prazo sobre crescimento econômico, inserção internacional, etc.
Uma amostra de sua página:

Angus Maddison 1926 - 2010
Angus Maddison was a world scholar on quantitative macroeconomic history, including the measurement and analysis of economic growth and development. He was professor at the University of Groningen from 1978 to 1997, and a founder of the Groningen Growth and Development Center.
This website provides access to major parts of Angus’ work as well as to new work that is being conducted in his spirit.

Original Homepage Angus Maddison– this page was kept up to date until Angus passed away in April 2010. It provides access to his latest writings and data series.

The Maddison Project – in March 2010, was launched by a group of close colleagues of Angus Maddison, with the aim to support an effective way of cooperation between scholars to continue Maddison’s work on measuring economic performance for different regions, time periods and subtopics.

Memorial Conference for Angus Maddison, 6-7 November, Amsterdam – about 70 close colleagues, friends and family of Angus gathered in Amsterdam to celebrate Angus’ work and life.

Angus Maddison: Memories of the Life of a Chiffrephile
By Bart van Ark


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