A loucura (e o embuste) do etanol (pelo menos nos EUA) - Burton A. Abrams
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A loucura (e o embuste) do etanol (pelo menos nos EUA) - Burton A. Abrams

The Folly of Ethanol

In an effort to conserve resources, federal and state policymakers have discarded one of the most important resources of all: common sense. Take the government push for ethanol. Mandating that gasoline suppliers blend their products with ethanol is supposed to be good for the environment. But the result is more economic and environmental waste, according to Independent Institute Research Fellow Burton A. Abrams, author of The Terrible 10: A Century of Economy Folly. READ MORE

Ethanol Isn't Green, Isn't Efficient, and Shouldn't Be Subsidized, by Burton A. Abrams (The Daily Caller, 12/27/13)

The Terrible 10: A Century of Economic Folly, by Burton A. Abrams


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